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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"Hey brother"

First video: Ángel, Fernando and Valeria (4º 1 C ) presented this video. Very good job!  There are some mistakes. These are the corrections.

Do you believe in GOD?  A: Yes, I DO because I´m CATHOLIC
 F:   CaTHOlic  Do you believe IN friendship?   V: Yes, I think OF my friends   F: Yes, because I have…..

A: Yes, I do . My friends are my second family.   Do you believe in love? A: Yes, because I love my family  V: Yes,….  F: Yes,….
If significa si pero como nexo  por ej. Si llueve….Si voy….etc. Yes se usa para afirmar. NO, para negar y después de un verbo NOT.

A: …at one point (if) they  V: No, because there´s a majority of bad people    Yes, because there are good people         F: (war) No, because…..
V: If you believed that (the) war was ending at that time you were wrong.

F: No, because there are always evil people.    A: yes, because one day…………be in peace
V; yes, in videos    A: Yes, because…..F: Yes, because I saw a person in a field.

Second video. Excellent work! The same song is sung by other singers  The rythm is quite different. Iván (4º1 C) found this version of the song and used it to create this video.
This video was made by Santiago Copranese , 5º2 B. In fact, he presented a ppt and then it was uploaded as a video. Very good work!
This video was made by Martín de los Santos, 5º2 B. He also made a ppt and it was uploaded as a video. Very good job!
We listened to a song called "Hey brother" in class. We analyzed the song. Students answered a brief questionnaire.Some of them posted their answers here:
Some students created posters, others created videos.

1- Choose your favorite video and give your opinion, please. For example:

-I like the first video because.......
-In my opinion, the second video is beautiful because......
-I think the third video is fantastic because.......
-To me, the fourth video is amazing because..........

2- Answer these questions, please.

a- Do you believe in love? Why? Why not?
b- Do you believe in friendship? Why? Why not?
c- Do you believe that peace is possible? Why? Why not?
d- Do you believe that war can be stopped? Why? Why not?
e- Do you believe in God? Why? Why not?
f- Do you believe in supernatural things? Why? Why not?