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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cinema Paradiso

  Cinema Paradiso- Plot

 In Rome, in the 1980s, a famous Italian film director called Salvatore Di Vita returns home late one evening,  His girlfriend sleepily tells him that his mother called him to say someone named Alfredo has died. Salvatore has not been to his home village of Giancaldo, Sicily for 30 years. As his girlfriend asks him who Alfredo is, Salvatore flashes back to his childhood.
 It is a few years after World War II. Six-year-old Salvatore is the mischievous, intelligent son of a war widow. His nickname is Toto, He discovers a love for films and spends every free moment at the movie house Cinema Paradiso with Alfredo, the guy who is in charge of showing the movies. Although they initially start off on tense terms, Toto and Alfredo become friends. Alfredo often lets him watch movies from the projection booth. During the shows, the audience can be heard booing when there are missing sections, causing the films to suddenly jump, bypassing a critical romantic kiss or embrace. The local priest aalways orders Alfredo to delete  these sections and the deleted scenes are piled on the projection room floor. At first, Alfredo considers Toto a bit of a pest, but eventually he teaches the kid to operate the film projector.
The montage ends as the movie house catches fire (highly flammable nitrate film was in routine use at the time). Salvatore saves Alfredo's life, but not before some film reels explode in Alfredo's face, leaving him permanently blind. The Cinema Paradiso is rebuilt by a town citizen, Ciccio, who invests his football lottery winnings. Salvatore, yet a child, is hired as the new projectionist, as he is the only person who knows how to run the machines. About a decade later, Salvatore, now in high school, is still operating the projector at the Cinema Paradiso. His relationship with Alfredo who is blind, has strengthened, and Salvatore often asks  him for help or some advice. Alfredo often quotes phrases from classic films.
Salvatore has been experimenting with film, using a home movie camera, and one day he meets a girl and films her. Her name is Elena.  She is a wealthy banker´s daughter. Salvatore falls in love with her. He wins Elena's heart but  Elena and her family move away, Salvatore leaves town for compulsory military service. His attempts to write to Elena are fruitless; his letters are returned as undeliverable.
Upon his return from the military service, Alfredo urges Salvatore to leave Giancaldo permanently, telling him  that the town is too small for Salvatore to ever find his dreams. Moreover, the old man tells  Salvadore  to leave for ever. He advises him not to look back or come back. He must never give in to nostalgia or even write or think about them. They tearfully embrace, and Salvatore leaves town to pursue his future, as a filmmaker.
Salvatore obeys Alfredo, but he returns home to attend the funeral. . Alfredo's widow tells him that the old man followed Salvatore's success with pride, and he left him something — an unlabeled film reel and the old stool that Salvatore once stood on to operate the projector. Salvatore learns that Cinema Paradiso is to be demolished to make way to a parking lot. At the funeral, he recognizes the faces of many people who attended the cinema when he was the projectionist. Salvatore returns to Rome. He watches Alfredo's reel and discovers that it comprises a very special montage. It contains all  the romantic scenes the priest had ordered Alfredo to cut from movies; Alfredo put the sequences together to form a single film. Salvatore has made peace with his past.

1-Choose one exercise and post it. Each exercise must have three or five sentences.
a) True or False
b) Answer these questions, please.
c) Ask questions, please
d) Interview Alfredo / Toto/ / Elena/
e) Complete these sentences
f) Match these lists.

2- Give your opinion, please
a- The movie is about friendship
b The movie is about love
c- The movie is about progress
d- The movie is about human errors.
e- The movie is about wrong decisions.
f- The movie is about the importance of movies in our life