All the material and information included in this blog is for academic and educational purposes only.
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Monday, October 21, 2019

Learn English - The Loch Ness Monster (sub engl)

Storyteller Joe Hayes: La Llorona The Weeping Woman

Answer these questions
1- What´s the girl´s name?
2- Describe Maria
3- Did she listen to her parents?
4- How many kids did they have?
5- What did the  man do?
6- What did she do with the children?
7- How did she feel?
8- What did her family do?
9- What did people see or hear?
10- Is she crazy? What will she do if she sees any kids?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

King Kong or Queen Kong?

Design different exercises, please 
True or False
Multiple Choice
Ask questions
Match lists
Write down a summary
(Streamline English Connections)


Hecho con Padlet


Hecho con Padlet

Iglesia Santa Felicitas (Isabel la Católica 520, Barracas) – At the age of 16, Felicitas Guerrero married Martín de Alzaga. They had a child together, who died at the age of six, and a second one who died at birth . One year later Felicitas became a widow at the age of 24, and many suitors sought her hand. While Felicitas initially had a brief courtship with a man by the name of Enrique Ocampo, she later came to favor another, Manuel Sáenz Valiente. This change in her affections filled Ocampo with jealousy. Ocampo’s confrontation of Felicitas turned violent, and he killed her. Some say she was shot on the 29th and others on the 30th, but all versions of the story agree that she died on January 30, 1872. Felicitas’ parents had this church built to commemorate their daughter at the place where she was killed.
Today, it is said that her ghost wanders about the church. It is believed that to touch her statue brings disgrace and misfortune, but touching the gate at the entrance and tying a white handkerchief or ribbon to it will bring you true love.
Imagen relacionadaIglesia de Santa Felicitas, Buenos Aires
1-Design the following exercises,please
True or False  - Multiple Choice-  Match these lists
2-Answer these questions
a_ Where is the church? /
b- Who did Felicitas marry? 
 c- How many children did she have ?
d- What happened after her husband died?
e- What did her parents do to honour her memory?

The Six Blind Men and the Elephant

A) Answer these questions, please

1- How many men are arguing?

2- Can they see the elephant? Why?

3- What´s their opinion about the elephant?

4- Are they right?

5- What´s the girl´s opinion?

B) Complete the blanks with the right word.

Once upon a time, there were .............blind men who lived in ..................One day, an .............came into town. They couldn´t but they could ............and Each man touched different parts of the .....................The first man said it is like a ...................
The second man said it is like a .......
The third man said it is like a ....................
The fourth man said it is like a ...........  ...............
The fifth man said it is like a .....................
the sixth man touched the elephant´s tail and he said an elephant is not like a wall, a spear or asnake , a tree or a fan. He said an elephant is like a.................
They continued arguing!  The little girl said. You are not very ......................You just touched different parts of the elephant.