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Wednesday, October 24, 2018


1- Check these links and make a presentation.

2-Remember to use the following expressions:

3) Imagine you are talking with somebody who has never visited the region you are going to talk about. Write a dialogue.


  1. The Gran Chaco:
    The western sector of the North region, the Gran Chaco, extends beyond the international border at the Pilcomayo River into Paraguay, where it is called the Chaco Boreal (“Northern Chaco”) by Argentines. The Argentine sector between the Pilcomayo River and the Bermejo River is known as the Chaco Central. Argentines have named the area southward to latitude 30° S, where the Pampas begin, the Chaco Austral (“Southern Chaco”). The Gran Chaco in Argentina descends in flat steps from west to east, but it is poorly drained and has such a challenging combination of physical conditions that it remains one of the least-inhabited parts of the country. It has a subtropical climate characterized by some of Latin America’s hottest weather, is largely covered by thorny vegetation, and is subject to summer flooding.

    East of the Gran Chaco, in a narrow depression 60 to 180 miles (100 to 300 km) wide, lies Mesopotamia, which is bordered to the north by the highlands of southern Brazil. The narrow lowland stretches for 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southward, finally merging with the Pampas south of the Río de la Plata. Its designation as Mesopotamia (Greek: “Between the Rivers”) reflects the fact that its western and eastern borders are two of the region’s major rivers, the Paraná and the Uruguay. The northeastern part, Misiones province, between the Alto (“Upper”) Paraná and Uruguay rivers, is higher in elevation than the rest of Mesopotamia, but there are several small hills in the southern part.

  2. Cuyo
    Gabriel Ramriez 5to2da

    The cities and towns in the region are characterised by colonial low houses and churches, and narrow streets, contrasting in the principal cities with the modern parts. The Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, founded in 1939, is the most important within these provinces, and has its campus in Mendoza, but has faculties as far as Río Negro.

  3. ayelen arroyo 5°2°bchiller CUYO:
    Viticulture is one of the main activities of the area. The wine production of the region represents almost 80% of national production, and the wines are highly considered in the world. Olives, potatoes, tomatoes and some fruits are also cultivated, and there is production of sweets and preserved foodstuffs. Quarrying and oil exploitation are other important industries.

  4. cuyo
    Shirley Gimenez 5to 2da

    Cuyo has some of the most popular tourist attractions in Argentina and the highest mountain massifs in the Andes, including Aconcagua itself, the highest peak outside Asia, and the Ischigualasto Provincial Park.

  5. ERWIN BOGADO 5°2 bachiller


    Cuyo is the name given to the wine-producing, mountainous area of central-west Argentina. Historically it comprised the provinces of San Juan, San Luis and Mendoza. The modern term New Cuyo indicates both Cuyo proper and the province of La Rioja. New Cuyo is a political and economic macroregion, but culturally La Rioja is part of the North-West rather than of Cuyo.

  6. Bermejo River, Spanish Río Bermejo, western tributary of the Paraguay River, south-central South America. It rises near Tarija, Bolivia and, after a rapid plunge to the Chaco lowlands at the border with Argentina, receives the major tributaries Grande de Tarija and San Francisco. It then meanders southeastward in shifting channels past Embarcación, El Pintado, and Presidencia Roca to join the Paraguay River opposite Pilar, Paraguay. It extends some 650 miles (1,046 km). Much silt is carried in suspension by the river, thus originating its name (bermejo, “reddish colour”). The Bermejo forms the border between Formosa and Chaco provinces, Argentina. It is navigable for small craft along its central course, which is usually referred to as the Teuco River.Cristian Cabalero

  7. Herbivores of the pampas are the pampas deer, guanaco, gray brocket, dwarf mara, plains viscacha, Brazilian guinea pig, southern mountain cavy and coypu. The biggest predator of the region is the puma followed by the maned wolf, pampas fox, geoffroy's cat, lesser grison as well as the omnivorous white-eared opossum and molinas hog-nosed skunk.The mountain goat is in danger of extinction.
    clara 5°2 b

  8. °the pampeana region
    The Pampas (from the Quechua: pampa, meaning "plain") are fertile South American lowlands that cover more than 750,000 km2 (289,577 sq mi) and include the Argentine provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Córdoba; all of Uruguay; and the southernmost Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Sul. The vast plains are a natural region, interrupted only by the low Ventana and Tandil hills, near Bahía Blanca and Tandil (Argentina), with a height of 1,300 m (4,265 ft) and 500 m (1,640 ft), respectively.

    The climate is warm, with precipitation of 600 to 1,200 mm (23.6 to 47.2 in) that is more or less evenly distributed through the year, making the soils appropriate for agriculture. The area is also one of the distinct physiography provinces of the larger Paraná-Paraguay Plain division.
    Iara Yazmin Gutierrez 5°2da.b

  9. Daiana Avalos 5° 2°B.


    The soil is arid and reddish, crossed by few rivers. Most of the rivers are fed by the thawing of snow on the peaks, and their volume of water increases considerably in spring. The Desaguadero River is the main collector, receiving waters from the Bermejo, Vinchina and Salado before reaching the Colorado River.

  10. Pilcomayo River, Spanish Río Pilcomayo, chief western tributary of the Paraguay River, south-central South America. It rises in the eastern Andes Mountains in Bolivia and flows in a southeasterly direction through the Gran Chaco plains of Paraguay to join the Paraguay River opposite Asunción, after a course of 1,550 miles (2,500 km). Its lower course (about 410 miles), used for navigation by small craft, flows through a number of small channels separated by bars and shifts direction with each flood season.Noemi Cardox

    Chaco Boreal, region of distinctive vegetation occupying about 100,000 square miles (259,000 square km) in northwestern Paraguay, southeastern Bolivia, and northern Argentina. The region is part of the vast arid lowland known as the Gran Chaco. The Chaco Boreal’s land is flat and is marked by deciduous scrub woodlands to the west of the Paraguay River that include the quebracho, a tree valuable as a source of tannin. Maira Machirola

    The name Chaco comes from a word in Quechua, an indigenous language from the Andes and highlands of South America. The quechua word chaqu meaning "hunting land" comes probably from the rich variety of animal life present throughout the entire region.PaolaFranco

  11. Gabriel Ramirez,shirley gimenez,ayelen arroyo
    gabriel-have you ever been to cuyana región?
    erwin/shirley/ayelen/daiana- yes,i have
    teacher- no,i haven't
    erwin-If I were you I'd travel there
    Daiana- I think you should go
    teacher-what can you do there
    Shirley- If you go to mendoza you can see the arid and reddish soil
    Ayelen-if you visit san luis you will go merlo ,the climatic is verygood for the people

    gabriel-if you go to mendoza you can visit el puente del inca

    erwin- you can visit sanctuary difunta correa if you go to sanjuan

    1. Good work!
      What can you do there?
      Mendoza- San Luis- Merlo- Puente del Inca-San Juan -(capital letters)
      You can go to Merlo. The climate is good for people´s health

  12. A- Have you ever been to The Pampa?
    B- Yes, I have
    C- Yes, Ihave
    D- No, I haven't
    A- If I were you I'd travel there
    C- I think you should go
    D- What can you do there?
    B- In The Pampa you can go to know the nature reserves such as the natural park Reserva Luro, Laguna de Guatraché, Limay Mahuida, among other
    A- Tou can also go to the recreational park Don Tomás

    Tamara Rodeiro, Luis Miguel Vallejos

  13. Good work!
    Attention: You can visit natural reserves such as.....among otherS.
