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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Starting your own business- Entrepreneurs- 2018

4º1 Administración

Write information about your company

Name- Nª of employees- Place of origin- Mission- Vision- Objectives- Initial Investment- Future plans- Customers- Clients (wholesalers- retailers) - product- Marketing campaign-


  1. name:telar suave
    place of origin: argentina (headquaters) paraguay (subsidiary)
    n° emplayees: 8 emplayees
    -to offer web services, which inudve pre-sales processes
    -meet the requirements for high quality fabrics.
    -improve the negotiating capacity.
    -the financial satisfaction of customers and the demand of the economic and social enviranment.

    goals: achieve sell the estimated amount of material and even overcome it.

    view: fabrics that are always delivered in good quality, that meet the requirements by custamers, takes skilled labor, giving reliability and timely service for customer.

    mission: graw as a company giving good attention, providing good quality materials.

    resources: labor, raw material, sewing machines, fabrics, 4 emplayees rentals, electronic devices, vehicles, etc.

  2. Cristián,
    Good work !!!!
    Argemtina, Paraguay (capital letters)
    ObjeCtiveS: ....include....
    achieve the sales of the estimated amount.....
    vision:......custOmers, take....customerS

  3. Name: Ticorall
    Place of Origin:Argemtina - Venezuela
    N° employees: 6 employees
    Objectives: to offer web services, the financial sastisfaction of custormers and the demanda of the economic and social enviranmene
    Goals: Achieve sell the estimated amount of material and even overcome it.
    Mission: Grow as a company giving Good attention providing Good qualiQu materials
    Resources:labor, raw material, pasta Maschine, costumes, 4 employees rentals, vehicles,boxes,etc.

  4. Ayelén?
    Good job!
    ...the sale of the esimated.....
    resources: pasta? machines, pinafores, uniforms, costumes?

  5. name of the company: los pinos
    place of origin: argentina-paraguay-peru
    numbers employes: around 30
    what the company produces/manufactures,wooden,shelves,charls,tables and others
    vision:in madera los pinos we work to turn the company loading company the comaercialization of wood,tables,shelves and other related products
    consolidating our participation in the regional market.
    sanchez nahuel/nancy champi

  6. Nahuel / Nancy
    Good job!!
    Remember: Names (capital letters) Los Pinos, Argentina, Paraguay, Perú
    Number of employees

  7. name:Calendars A.C
    place of origin: Bs As, Argentina
    n° emplayees: 67
    - increase profits by 10%
    -meet the requirements for high quality fabrics.

    goals: achieve sell the estimated amount of calendars and even overcome it.

    view: the calendars of good quality and price, with good workmanship, made and suitable for all public, generates a good criticism towards our company.

    mission: the mission of the company is to become the producer of the best quality paper in the local market

    resources: paper producing machine,
    raw material,
    energy, water, and paper pulp and workforce.

    Valentín Contreras 4to 1ra

  8. Valentín,
    Good work!
    emplOyees, objeCtive.
    Goals: to achievesales of the estimated amount......
    vision vs view. to generate....
