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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Shocking coincidences!

A) Complete these sentences, please.

1- If Kennedy hadn´t..................................................................................
2- If Lincoln hadn´t....................................................................................
3- If the bodyguards had paid attention....................................................
4- If Kennedy had listened to ...................................................................
5- Lincoln wouldn´t have died if he had...................................................
6- Kennedy wouldn´t have been shot if he had ........................................

B) What do you think of this video?


  1. 1-if Kennedy hadn´t been in a convertible THE MURDERER would not have shot him.
    2- If Lincoln hadn´t fought for the African American he WOULDN´T HAVE died.
    3- If the bodyguards had paid attention lincoln WOULDN´T HAVE died.
    4- If kennedy had listened to HIS SECRETARY HE WOULDN´T HAVE DIED
    5- Lincoln wouldn´t have died if he had listened to his BODYGUARD.
    6- Kennedy wouldn´t have been shot if he had listened to his secretary


  2. Santiago,
    Remember: Proper names are written in capital letters. For example: Lincoln

  3. 1-if Kennedy hadn´t been in a convertible the murdere would not have shot him.
    2- If Lincoln hadn´t fought for the African American he wouldn`t have died.
    3- If the bodyguards had paid attention Lincoln wouldn´t have died.
    4- If Kennedy had listened to his secretary he wouldn´t have died
    5- Lincoln wouldn´t have died if he had listened to his bodyguard.
    6- Kennedy wouldn´t have been shot if he had listened to his secretary

    B- I found the video entertaining and informative

    Nurianly Rojas 5º 2º SOC. HUM Liceo Nº 3

  4. Nurianly,

  5. A- Complete the sentences.
    1-if Kennedy hadn´t been in a convertible the murdere would not have shot him.
    2- If Lincoln hadn´t fought for the African American he wouldn`t have died.
    3- If the bodyguards had paid attention Lincoln wouldn´t have died.
    4- If Kennedy had listened to his secretary he wouldn´t have died
    5- Lincoln wouldn´t have died if he had listened to his bodyguard.
    6- Kennedy wouldn´t have been shot if he had listened to his secretary
    B- I think that the video is so entertaining, fun because make you think and is interesting.

    Camila Nieva 5°2da SOC Y HUM

  6. Camila,
    B- ...and fun because IT makeS you.....and IT is interesting.

  7. 1-If Kennedy had not been in a convertible, the assassin would not have shot him.
    2- If Lincoln had not fought for the African American, he would not have died.
    3- If the bodyguards had been paying attention, Lincoln would not have died.
    4- If Kennedy had listened to his secretary, he would not have died
    5- Lincoln would not have died if he had listened to his bodyguard.
    6- Kennedy would not have been shot if he had listened to his secretary

    B- I found the video interesting and informative.


  8. A)
    1- If Kennedy hadn´t been in that place that day he would not have died.
    2- If Lincoln hadn´t gone to the theater that day he would be alive
    3- If the bodyguards had paid attention they would have avoided the shots
    4- If Kennedy had listened to his assistant he would not have gone to dallas
    5- Lincoln wouldn´t have died if he had listened to his assistant.
    6- Kennedy wouldn´t have been shot if he had been riding in a car with a roof.

    B) The video is very interesting, with many amazing coincidences.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.
