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Thursday, October 16, 2014

The butterfly circus

The Butterfly Circus
In the 1930s America is suffering for the Great Depression. Many people are jobless and homeless, and everybody is sad and worried for the difficult economic situation. Mendez is the charismatic master of a small circus, the Butterfly Circus, and he leads his troupe through Southern California; along the way, they perform – sometimes for free – to bring some light in the dull lives of people. One evening, they stop at a funfair, where there are carousels, games and other entertainment. At the Carnival Side Show Mendez meets Will, the main attraction. He has no limbs and is on show as a freak of nature, alongside other odd characters (the Tattooed Man, the Bearded Woman, etc.). Will is bitter and unhappy but after meeting Mendez he decides to leave the Carnival and manages to hide on one of the Butterfly circus trucks to escape. People in the circus welcome him but Mendez tells Will he must find his own way to become part of the act. Will starts to know his new friends and learns that many of them have a sad story: Mendez has given them a second chance in life. One day Will accidentally realizes that he can swim, so he decides to perform a difficult act in the Circus: he must climb a tall pole, from the top of which he then dives into a small tank full of water. Will is now happy as he is in the show, not because of his odd aspect, but because of who he is and what he can do.
Design your own exercises.
True or False
Answer these questions
Complete, please
Match these lists

Ask questions, please

Who said..........?


  1. True or false

    ¡) In the 1940 American is suffering for the Great Depression. F. because the Great Depression was in 1930

    2) Mendez is the charismatic master of a big circus, the Dog Circus. F. because Mendez is the charismatic master of a small circus, the Butterfly Circus.

    3) He leads his troupe through Northern New York. F. because He leads his troupe through Southern California.


    !) if Will works in the Butterfly circus He will be happy.

    2) If will worked in the Butterfly circus He would be happy.

    3) If will had worked in the Butterfly circus he would have been happy.

    Translate these sentences

    1) In the 1930 America is a suffered for the great Depression./ En 1930 América sufrió la gran depresión.

    2) Mendez has given them a second chance in life./ Méndez les da una segunda oportunidad en la vida.

    3) Will is now happy as he is in the show, not because of his odd aspect, but because of who he is and what he can do./ Will ahora es feliz porque esta en el espectáculo, y no por su raro aspecto, por quien es el y lo que el puede hacer.

    Match these lists and write an example with but- because- and.

    A)Great b)Unhappy and happy
    B)Will c) Charismatic
    C)Mendez a) Depression
    D) Butterfly Circus c) Master
    E) Carnival side d) Troupe
    e) freak of nature
    d) Small
    d) talented people

  2. Santiago,
    Very good job!!!***** :)
    Take a look:

    1) In the 1930 America (is a) suffered (for ) the great Depression./ En 1930 América sufrió la gran depresión.

    2) Mendez has given them a second chance in life./ Méndez les DIO una segunda oportunidad en la vida
    The matching exercise is not very clear....besides you have to write some examples with but, because ,and,

  3. Micaela Morinigo 2° 5°
    true o false ?
    1-Im circus n°1 people show their talents
    False becouse people are shonw as freak
    2-will can't swim
    false becouse he cam swim
    3-Will is happy
    4-Will likes in the butterfly circus
    5-Will has got arms
    False will hasm't got arms
    1-Will is a ____ (man)
    2-Will can't________(play volley)
    3-Will hasn't got a ___(cat)
    4-Will cam ____(swin)
    5-Will has got _____(Friends)
    Ask questions
    1-Are you will?
    2-Are you fifteen?
    3-Are you happy?
    4-Are you Argentine?
    5-Cam you swim?
    6-Do you like swinnig?
    7-Did you visi the butterflly circus?
    8-Will he go to the butterfly circus?
    1-Will vive en el circus
    Will lives in the circus
    2-¿el puede nadar ?
    Can he swin
    3-¿el tiene un hermano?
    Has he got a brother?
    4-¿el tiene una hermana?
    has he got a sister?
    5-¿el tiene amigos?
    Has he got any friends?
    Match these lusts
    1- Hasn't he got any
    3-has he got any
    4-Cam he
    5-Has't he got a

    1-b 2-e 3-c 4-a 5-d

    1. Micaela,
      Good job! ..but pay attention to spelling, please.

      1-IN circus n°1 people show their talents

      False becAuse people are shoWN as freakS
      4- Will
      2- false becAuse he caN´T swim

      4-Will likes the butterfly circus

      4- Will caN.........(swiM)

      Ask questions
      G- Do you like SWIMMING?

      ¿Él puede nadar? Can he swim?

      Match these LISTS
      1. Has he got any arms?
      4- CaN he swiM?
      5- Has he got a brother?

  4. Vladimir Acevedo 2 5. 1 True or False. 1 Two children throw tomatoes Will (T) 2 Will escapes from the circus(T) 3 Will drown in the river (F) Because He learnt swimming. 4 Mendez is a bad man (F)Because He is a good and child a gentle man. 5 In the other circus they mock Will.(T). 2_ questions. 1_Why does Will escape from the circus? 2_Why does Will think He can`t do anything? 3_How does Will learn to swim? 4_Why does Will decide to throw in to the swimming_poll from thirty meters high? 5_When will throw to the swimming_pool͵from thirty meters ͵was He fear? 3_ questions. 1_Why does Mendez decide to go to the circus fenomenos? 2_Why does Mendez say to will he was perfect Man in the first time He sees him? 3_Why does Mendez say that is no problem when Will spits him? 4_Why does Mendez teach Will to believe in himself? 5_Why does not Mendez teach will to cross the river ? 4_ questions. 1_Why does he owner of the other circus treat Will in A bad way? 1_Acrobat. 2_WILL. 3_River. 4_Circus. 5_Mendez. A_swim. B_the butterfly. C_happy. D_mum. E_owner. 1D_2C_3A_4B_5E. Complete. 1_Will is happy. 2_Will can't run or jump. 3_Will hasn't got arms. 4_Mendez was good.

    1. Vladimir,
      Good work! Attention, please:
      1.throw tomatoes AT....
      3- Will got drown...because he learnt how to swim
      4- He is a good and gente man
      4- Why does Will decide to dive into the swimming pOOl......?
      5- Was Will afraid when he dived into the swimming pool?
      Why does the owner of the other circus treat......?

  5. Carolina Martinez 2°5°
    True or False:
    1) In circus n°1, peopole show their talents. (F) Because people are shown as freaks.
    2) Mendez was an acrobat. (F) Because he was the owner of the circus.
    3) Will had no arms. (T)
    4) Everyone made fun of will in the butterfly circus. (F) Because made fun of him in carnival circus.
    5) Will can swin. (T)

    1) Will is ____ (happy)
    2) Will can't ______ (run)
    3) Mendez was the owner ______________ (of the butterfly circus)
    4) Will hasn't got ___ (arms)
    5) Will ____(lives) in the____ (circus)

    Ask questions:
    1) Are you will?
    2) Are you happy?
    3) Do you like circus?
    4) Do you like swin?
    5) How did you feel when people made fun of you?

    1) Will vive en el circo- Will live at the circus.
    2) Will aprendio a nadar- Will learned how to swim.
    3) Will no tenia brasos- Willhad no arms.
    4) Mendez le aconsejaba a will- Mendez ad vised him to will
    5) Will era feliz- Will is happy

    Match these lists:
    Mendez was the owner(5) 1)Swim
    Will had no(4) 2)Run
    Will live at the(3) 3)Circus
    Will leorned to(1) 4)Arms
    Will can't(2) 5)Of the butterfly circus.

    1. Carolina,
      Good work!!! Attention, please:
      1- people
      4- Will (it is a name so you must use capital letter)....because THEY made....
      Are you Will?
      Do you like circuses?
      Do you like swiMMING?

      1-Will liveS.....
      3- brazos...
      4- Mendez advised Will
      5- Will era feliz- Will WAS happy. Will es feliz- Will IS happy
      Will leArned......

  6. 1_True or false SALVADOR DIPASQUALE
    1_two children throw tomatoes Will (T)
    2_Will escapes from the circus (T)
    3_ Will drown in the river (F) because He learnt swimming .
    4_Mendez is a bad man (F) because He is a good and child gentle man.
    5_In the other circus they mock Will.(T)
    2_ Questions
    1_Why does Will escape from the circus?
    2_Why does Will think He can´t do anything?
    3_How does Will learn to swim?
    4_Why does Will decide to throw himself in to the swimming_pool from thirty meters high?
    5_When Will throw to the swimming_pool from thirty meters,was He fear?
    3_ Questions
    1_Why does Mendez decide to go to the circus fenomenos ?
    2_Why does Mendez say to Will He was a perfect Man in the first time He sees him?
    3_Why does Mendez say that there is no problem When Will spits him?
    4_Why does Mendez teach Will to believe in himself ?
    5_Why does not Mendez help Will to cross the river?
    4_ Questions
    1_Why does He owner of the other circus treat Will in a bad way?
    Match these lists
    1_Acrobat 2_Will 3_River 4_Circus 5_Mendez A_swim B_the butterfly
    C_happy D_mum E_owner 1_D . 2_C. 3_A. 4_B. 5_E.
    1_Will is happy
    2_Will can´t run or jump
    3_Will hasn´t got arms
    4_Mendez was good

    1. Salvador,
      Good job!! Please, pay attention

      throw tomatoes at....
      Will got drown.... He learnt how to swim...
      He is a good and gente man
      4- Why does Will decide to dive into the swimming pOOl......?
      5- Was Will afraid when he dived into the swimming pool?
      Why does the owner of the other circus treat......?

  7. Rocio Rojas


    1) Everybody is happy because they lack nothing (F). Because everybody is sad for the difficult economic situation.

    2) He is the charismatic master of a big dance (F). Because it is the charismatic master of a small circus.

    3) Will never learned to swim (F). Because will accidentally learned to swim.


    1) If Will gets to know his new PEOPLE will be happy.

    2) If Will had not gone to the CIRCUS would learn to swim.

    3) If Will wants to WORK you would in a circus.


    1) Will starts to know his new people: Will empieza a conocer su nuevo pueblo.

    2) He must climb a tall pole: El debe subir a un poste alto.

    3) Mendez has had a second chance in life: Mendez ha tenido una segunda oportunidad en la vida.


    a)Many c)swim

    b)Economic a)people

    c)Can d)chance

    d)Second b)situation

    1- Will can swim but needs more help.

    2- Many people go to the circus because good things will entertain.

    3- People make mistakes and deserve a second chance.

    1. Rocío,
      Good job! Pay attention, please.
      True or False
      1- Everybody is happy because they have everything
      2- He is.....
      3- Will never learned how to swim....

      ) If Will gets to know his new MATES HE will be happy.

      2) If Will had not gone to the CIRCUS HE wouldN´T HAVE learnED HOW to swim.

      3) If Will wants to WORK HE SHOULD GO TO a circus.

      Will starts to know his new TOWN
      Will can swim but he needs more help
      ......because they like it. There are many things to see

  8. True or False
    a) Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.
    b) Will is happy in "the butterfly circus" (T) Because he has got Many friends.
    c) Will can swin (T) Because he learnt.
    d) Will hasn't got any arms (T) Because he was born limbless.
    e) Will has no Feet (T) Because he was born Limbless.
    f) Will has got a Kid (F) Because he has no Family.
    g) Mr.Mendez has got a Moustache (T).
    h) Mr.Mendez Likes Travelling (T).
    i) Jimmy is little boy (T).
    j) Mr.Mendez helped will (T) Because Mr.Mendez Thinks he is Magnificient.
    k) Mr.Mendez has got a top hat (T).
    L) Will can dance and play the piano (F) Because he is Limbless.
    m) Jimmy worked in the circus (F) Because his Man worked There.
    n) Mr.Mendez has got a car (F) Because he has got a van.
    o) Mr.Mendez has got a circus (T).
    p) Mr.Mendez has got Kids (F).

    Rocio aguilera 1°4 !

  9. Rocío,
    Very good!!!!
    i) Jimmy is A little boy.
    j) Will (capital letter because it is a name)
    m) because his Dad worked there

  10. Jean Pierre Martinez Britto 1,4

    True or False

    a) Will has no Feet (T) Because he was born Limbless.
    b) Will has got a baby (F) Because he has no Family.
    c) Mr.Mendez has got a circus (T).
    d) Will can swin (T) Because he learnt.

    Answer these questions:

    Are you Will ?
    Can you got a sister?
    Can you Swin?
    Do you like working in the circus ?

    Complete, please:

    a) Will is ____ (happy)
    b) Will can't ______ (run)

    Who said..........? :

    1) Hey , Look ! a)Jimmy
    2)Why not ? b)MR.Mendez
    3)Can we go there? c)Will
    4)Come, sit down. d)Jimmy ...
    5)You are magnificient. e)The manager
    6)Ladies and gentlemen. f)The fortune teller.
    7)God him self has turned has back u pon him .
    8)Lets go.
    9)The limbless man.
    10)whats the matter whit you ?
    11)We are happy here !
    12)They are differen promme.
    13)top it ! Why do yuo say that?
    14)Becaue you believe it.
    15)I can swim.

  11. Jean Pierre,
    Good job!!
    Pay attention, please:
    Have you got a sister? / Do you have a sister?
    What about the rest of the sentences? From 7 to 15?

  12. Yanina Areco Acosta 2°4

    True of False :

    a)Will has got a baby (F) Because he has no family

    b)Will escapes from the circus (T)

    c)Will can swim (T)

    d)Will had no arms (T)

    e)Will is happy (T)

    f)Mendez is the charismatic master of a big circus the dog (F)Because Mendez is the charismatic master of a small circus the Butterfly Circus

    Question :

    a)Do you like circus ?

    b)Do you like swimming ?

    c)Are you happy?

    d)Did you visit the Butterfly Circus?

    e)Are you Argentina ?

    Translate :

    a) ¿El puede nadar ?
    -Can he swin?

    b)¿El tiene un hermano ?
    -Has he got a brother?

    c)Will no tenia brazos
    -Will had no arms

    d)Mendez le aconsejaba a Will
    -Mendez advised him to Will.

    1. Yanina,
      Do you like THE circus?
      Are you from Argentina? Are you Argentine?

      d) Mendez advised Will

  13. Florencia Quintana 2da 4ta
    1) Are you fifteen?
    2) Cam you swin?
    3) Do you like swinnig?
    4) Has he got ha sister?

    True of false
    1) two children throw tomateos will (T)
    2) Will escape from the circus (T)
    3) In the other circus they mock will (V)
    4) Mendez is a bad man (F) beca use he is a good and cild a gentle man.

    1. Florencia,
      3) ....swiMMing
      4) Has he got a sister? Have you got a sister?

      1) ....threw tomatoes at Will´
      3).....they mocked at Will T
      4) because he is a good and kind man

  14. Alexis Centurion : 2.4
    True of falce:
    a) will has got a baby (F) because he has no family
    b) will escapes from the circus (T)
    c) will can swim (T)
    d) will had no arms (T)
    e) will is happy (T)
    f) Mendez is the charismatic of a big circus the dog (F) Because Mendez is the charismatic master of a small circus the butterfly circus
    a)are you will?
    b) can you got a sister?
    c)can you swin?
    d) are you happy?
    e) do you like circus?
    f) are you Paraguay?
    a)¿el tiene una hermana?
    -has he got a sister?
    b)¿el puede nadir?
    -can he swin?
    c)¿will era feliz?
    -will was happy?

    1. Alexis,
      Good job!
      F) Mendez is the charismatic owner of.....
      b) HAVE you got a sister?
      e) Do you like the circus?
      f) Are you Paraguayan?
      c) Was Will happy?

  15. Machado gisela 5to 2da Bachiller
    ) if Will works in the Butterfly circus He will be happy.

    2) If will worked in the Butterfly circus He would be happy.

    3) If will had worked in the Butterfly circus he would have been happy.

    Translate these sentences

    1) In the 1930 America is a suffered for the great Depression./ En 1930 América sufrió la gran depresión.

    2) Mendez has given them a second chance in life./ Méndez les da una segunda oportunidad en la vida.

    3) Will is now happy as he is in the show, not because of his odd aspect, but because of who he is and what he can do./ Will ahora es feliz porque esta en el espectáculo, y no por su raro aspecto, por quien es el y lo que el puede hacer.

    aswer the questions
    1) do you like circus?
    2) what is your talent?
    3) can you swim ?
    4) mendez is your friend?

    true or false

    1)nick was happy at "the weirs circus" (F) because he was driscriminated
    2)nick had a talen (T) because he discoveres it in the river
    3) Mr.mendez has got a circus (T) because he has got the "Butterfly circus"

    1. Gisela,
      Good job!
      1) In the 1930´s America suffered...
      2) Mendez les dio ......
      3) Will is happy now ....
      1) Do you like the circus?
      4) Is Mendez your friend?
      True or False?
      weird, talent. He discovereD it.......

  16. True or False
    a) Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.
    b) Will is happy in "the butterfly circus" (T) Because he has got Many friends.
    c) Will can swin (T) Because he learnt.
    d) Will hasn't got any arms (T) Because he was born limbless.
    e) Will has no Feet (T) Because he was born Limbless.
    f) Will has got a Kid (F) Because he has no Family.
    g) Mr.Mendez has got a Moustache (T).
    h) Mr.Mendez Likes Travelling (T).
    i) Jimmy is little boy (T).
    j) Mr.Mendez helped will (T) Because Mr.Mendez Thinks he is Magnificient.
    k) Mr.Mendez has got a top hat (T).
    L) Will can dance and play the piano (F) Because he is Limbless.
    m) Jimmy worked in the circus (F) Because his Man worked There.
    n) Mr.Mendez has got a car (F) Because he has got a van.
    o) Mr.Mendez has got a circus (T).
    p) Mr.Mendez has got Kids (F).

    Valentina pruyas 1ro 4ta

    1. Valentina,
      Very good!
      i) Jimmy is A little boy.
      m)...his DAD worked there

  17. LOZA 5TO B True or False:
    1) In circus n°1, people show their talents. (F) Because people are shown as freaks.
    2) Mendez was an acrobat. (F) Because he was the owner of the circus.
    3) Will had no arms. (T)
    4) Everyone made fun of will in the butterfly circus. (F) Because they made fun of him in carnival circus.
    5) Will can swin. (T)

    ask question.

    Ask questions:

    1) Are you happy?
    2) Do you like circus?
    3) Do you like swin?
    5) How did you feel when people made fun of you?


    1) Will aprendio a nadar- Will learned how to swim.
    2) Will no tenia brazos- Willhad no arms.
    3) Mendez le aconsejaba a will- Mendez advised him to will
    5) Will era feliz- Will is happy


    1) If Will gets to know his new PEOPLE will be happy.

    2) If Will had not gone to the CIRCUS would learn to swim.

    3) If Will wants to WORK you would in a circus.

    1. Christian,
      Ask questions

      Do you like the circus?
      Do you like swiMMING?

      3) Mendez le aconsejaba a Will- Mendez advised WILL
      5) Will era feliz- Will WAS happy

      1) If Will gets to know his new talent his mates will be happy
      2) if Will had not gone to that circus he would not have learnt how to swim
      3( if Will wants to work he will have to show his talent in the circus.

  18. Diego Mendoza 2 4


    1,Can you Swin?

    2,Do you like working in the circus ?

    3,Are you Argentina ?

    4,Are you happy?

    5,Are you will?

    True or False:

    1.Mr.Mendez has got a circus (T).

    2.Mr.Mendez has got a top hat (T)

    3.Mr.Mendez Likes Travelling (T).

    4.Will has got a Kid (F) Because he has no Family.

    5.Will can swin (T) Because he learnt.

    6.Jimmy is little boy (T).

    7.Will has no Feet (T) Because he was born Limbless.

    8.Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.

    9.Will can dance and play the piano (F) Because he is Limbless.

    10.Will is happy in "the butterfly circus" (T) Because he has got Many friends.


    Will can't ______ (run)

    Will is ____ (happy)

    Will ____(lives) in the____ (circus)

    Will hasn't got ___ (arms)

    1. Diego,
      Good workª
      Are you from Argentina? / Are you Argentine?
      Are you Will? (capital letter because it is a name)
      6. Jimmy is A little boy

  19. Leily Robles 5to 2da B

    true or false
    1_Mr.mendez has got a circus (T)
    2_wiill is very happy in the weird circus(F)
    because people laughted at him
    3_will had a talent (T) because hediscovered it in the river

    Ask questions
    do you like circus ?
    have you ever swimm in the ocean ?
    have you ever visited argentina ?
    where do you go every summer ?

    1. Leily,
      Very good!
      Will (capital letter because it is a name)
      Do you like the circus?

  20. Anahi Saucedo 2 4

    true or false:

    a)Will can swin (T) Because he learnt.

    b)Jimmy is little boy (T).

    c)Will had no arms. (T)

    d)will had a talent (T) because hediscovered it in the river.

    e)Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.

    f)Mr.Mendez has got Kids (F).

    g)Mr.Mendez has got a Moustache (T).


    1-Are you happy?

    2-How did you feel when people made fun of you?

    3-do you like circus ?

    4-Are you Argentina ?

    5-Can you got a sister?


    1-Will is ____ (happy)

    2-Will can't ______ (run)

    3-Will hasn't got ___ (arms)

    4-Mendez was the owner ______________ (of the butterfly circus)

    1. Anahí
      Good work!
      b) Jimmy is A little boy
      Will Icapital letter because it is a name)
      Are you from Argentina?
      Are you Argentine?
      Have you got a sister?

  21. Ask questions
    Why did you spit Mr Mendez?
    Have you ever thrown tomatoes?
    Can you swim?
    Mr Mendez
    Do you like the weird circus?

    True or false
    1) Mr Mendez has got a circus T
    2) will is very happy un the weird circus. F
    Because people laughed at him

    1. Micaela (I know it is you because you showed me these exercises in class)
      Very good!

  22. Hello! I'm Carolina Carpio

    True or false:

    1- will can't swim (F) because he learned to swim in the river when he fell
    2-Will is a strange phenomenon (F) because he is a person like any other, but he was treated differently because it hasn't its extremities
    3- will went to the butterfly circus(T)
    4- will be swimming (T)
    5- Mendez has no children (F) because he has a son
    6- at first everybody loves will in the circus (F) because he was different
    7- He will lived with his family (F) that will live in the circus
    8-Will have friends in the circus of butterflies (T)
    9-Sam is a child (T)
    10-Will was happy before reaching the circus butterflies (F)because they treat you badly


    1- Will you are happy?
    2-do you like the butterfly circus?
    3-you can swim?
    4- How did you learn to swim?
    5-Where were you before?
    6- How are you treated in another circus?
    7-how you came to work in a circus?
    8- sam, how old are you? when is your birthday?
    9-Are you happy at the carnival sideshow?
    10- Why you do not live with your parents?

    1. Carolina,
      1) ,,,He learned how to swim,,,,when he fell down in the river
      4) Will is swimming in the river
      5) Mendez hasn´t got a son
      7) Will will live with his family. He will live in the circus
      8) Will has got the Butterfly circus
      9) Because they treated him badly
      Will, Are you happy?
      Can you swim?
      How did you learn HOW to swim?
      How are you treated in the other circus?
      How did you come to work in this circus?
      Why don´t you live with your parents?

  23. Muñiz 5to 2da B
    if Will works in the Butterfly circus He will be happy.

    If will worked in the Butterfly circus He would be happy.

    If will had worked in the Butterfly circus he would have been happy.

    Translate these sentences

    1) In the 1930 America is a suffered for the great Depression./ En 1930 América sufrió la gran depresión.

    2) Mendez has given them a second chance in life./ Méndez les da una segunda oportunidad en la vida.

    3) Will is now happy as he is in the show, not because of his odd aspect, but because of who he is and what he can do./ Will ahora es feliz porque esta en el espectáculo, y no por su raro aspecto, por quien es el y lo que el puede hacer.

    aswer the questions
    1) do you like circus?
    2) what is your talent?
    3) can you swim ?
    4) mendez is your friend?

    true or false

    1)nick was happy at "the weirs circus" (F) because he was driscriminated
    2)nick had a talen (T) because he discoveres it in the river
    3) Mr.mendez has got a circus (T) because he has got the "Butterfly circus"

  24. Ameijeira 5to 2da Bch

    • True or False:
    A) Will can't swim (F) // because he learned to swim in the river when he fell
    B) Will was happy before reaching the circus butterflies (F) // because they treat you badly
    C) Mendez has no children (F) // because he has a son
    D) Will he has a son (F) // because he has not family
    E) Will is very happy un the weird circus. (F) // because people laughed at him

    • Ask Questions:
    1- Will you are happy?
    2- Sam, how old are you? when is your birthday?
    3- How are you treated in another circus?
    4- Will, where do you go every summer?
    5- Méndez, do you like the weird circus?
    6- Will, Mr. Méndez is your friend?
    7- Mr. Mendez, do you believe that will has talent?
    8- will, what is your favorite hobbie?
    9- Mr. Mendez, have you ever they visited Argentina?
    10- Will, do you like swim?

    1. Patricia,
      Check sentences A,B C / 1,2,3 in the previous corrections.
      D) Will has a son
      EI Will is very happy IN.....
      6) Will: Is Mr Mendez your friend?
      Have you ever visited.....
      Do you like swimming?

  25. Marisol machirola 5to 2da Bachiller

    true or false
    1_Mr.mendez has got a circus (T)
    2_wiill is very happy in the weird circus(F)
    because people laughted at him
    3_will had a talent (T) because hediscovered it in the river
    4- He will lived with his family (F) that will live in the circus

    ask questions :

    do you like circus ?
    have you ever swimm in the ocean ?
    have you ever visited argentina ?
    where do you go every summer ?

    1) Will aprendio a nadar- Will learned how to swim.
    2) Will no tenia brazos- Willhad no arms.
    3) Mendez le aconsejaba a will- Mendez advised him to will
    5) Will era feliz- Will is happy

  26. exequiel y ronald 1°4

    true or false .

    1) will is happy in the CANIVAL CIRCUS(F)

    2) will is happy in the butterfly CIRCUS(T) because he has got frends

    3) people in the CANIVAL CIRCUS are happy(F)

    Ask questions.

    1)MR MENDEZ what is your talent?

    2) WILL are you confortable with your body?


    1. Exequiel and Ronald: Very good!!
      Justify the false answers please.

  27. Chino(Alejandro) y Pachu(Sergio) 1°4

    True or False

    1) Mr Mendez has got a circus T
    2) will is very happy un the weird circus. F

    1. Alejandro and Sergio:
      Please, justify your statements!

  28. Milagros Sandoval 1°4
    True or False :
    *Will has one limb (F) Because he has no limbs.

    *Will is sad in the show (F) Because he is happy in the show.

    *Mendez is the master the carnaval circus (F) Because he Mendez is the master the Butterfly Circus.

    1. Milagros,
      Good work!
      Mendez is the master of the Carnival circus.
      Mr Mendez ....of the ......

  29. betania y astric 1 4
    true or false
    mr mendez is bad.(f)
    will is mr mendez's brother.(f)
    will is a girl.(f)he is a boy
    ask questions
    mr mendez.. can you swim?
    will do you like buttelflies?
    will can you have babes?

    1. Betania and Astric
      Justify your statements, please.
      Check spelling, please:

  30. Agustina & Rocio <3
    Will:¿Do you like the butterfly circus?
    Will:¿can you swin?
    strong man:¿are you strong?
    1)nick was happy at "the weirs circus" (F) because he was driscriminated
    2)Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.

  31. Agustina & Rocio <3
    Will:¿Do you like the butterfly circus?
    Will:¿can you swin?
    strong man:¿are you strong?
    1)nick was happy at "the weirs circus" (F) because he was driscriminated
    2)Will has got a sister (F) Because he has no Family.

    1. Agustina and Rocio:
      No question marks at the beginning of a question!!
      True or False
      Will was happy at the Carnival circus / weird....

  32. true or false
    Marcia villalba 1era 4ta
    will can wave his hands(F)wecause

    will have legs (F)

  33. ANAHI AGUERO 1º4º


    1)In the 1990s America is suffering for the Great Depression
    In the 1930s America is suffering for the Great Depression

    1. Marcia Villalba 1°4

      Will can you dance?

      Mendez can you run ?
      Mendez have you got cell phone?

      will do you like circus ?

      Mendez can you dance ?

  34. Marcia Villalba 1°4


    Will can walk (F)

    Will can eat with his hand (F)

    will can swim (T)

    Will has got a baby (F)

    Will it can jump (F)

    Will He can run (F)

  35. Mr.Mendez
    why is Mr.Mendez such a good person?
    whas your favorite pet?
    why are you so kind to peopleos?

    what's your favorite color?
    how do you feel when you jump so meters?
    how did you fwwl when you got up without hepl

    1. What´s your name?
      What´s your favorite pet?

  36. betania y astric 1 4
    true or false
    mr mendez is bad.(f)mr.mendez is god
    will is mr mendez's brother.(f)willis mr mendez's friend
    will is a girl.(f)he is a boy
    ask questions
    mr mendez.. can you swim?
    will do you like buttelflies?
    will can you have babes?

    1. Betania and Astric
      Good job!
      Will´s Mr Mendez´s friend

  37. Carla Y Aylen
    Will can swim (T)
    b) (T).
    c) The dancer has a child (T)
    D) Mr. Mendez owns the Circus Carnival (F). He does not own Circus Butterflies
    g) Mr. Mendez has a mustache (T).

    1. Carla and Aylen
      Carnival Circus...Butterfly Circus


    1. There was no obese woman in the Butterfly Circus
    2. will can swin
    3. will wos the owner the Butterfly Circus

    Mica Vera
    Lucia Garrone

    1. Mica and Lucía
      Was..True or False?

  39. Damien Acosta y Florencia Avilan 2º4

    1)the tattood man mackad is Mr Mendez
    will was abuced in the batterfly circus
    the carnibal circus is better than the batterfly

    2)will, How do you feel in the butterfly circus?
    how did you escape from the carnibal circus?
    are you happy?

    1. Damian and Florencia
      Good job!
      The tattoed man mocked...
      Will was abused in the Butterfly Circus
      The Carnival circus.....



    1- Poppy was Mr Mendez's grandpa F
    Because Poppy worked in the circus
    2- The dancer is the boy´s mom T
    3- The tatoo man is good whith Will F
    Because the tatoo man is bad whit Will

  41. 1) In the 1857s America is suffering for the Great Depression.
    2) Mendez is the charismatic master of a big circus, the Carnival Circus.
    3) Many people are jobless and homeless, and everybody is happy and carefree for the good economic situation.

    Valeria Capuñay
    Bianca Cabral

  42. Avilan Florencia

    True or False:
    1) In circus n°1, peopole show their talents. (F) Because people are shown as freaks.
    2) Mendez was an acrobat. (F) Because he was the owner of the circus.
    3) Will had no arms. (T)
    4) Everyone made fun of will in the butterfly circus. (F) Because made fun of him in carnival circus.
    5) Will can swin. (T)

    1) Will is ____ (happy)
    2) Will can't ______ (run)
    3) Mendez was the owner ______________ (of the butterfly circus)
    4) Will hasn't got ___ (arms)
    5) Will ____(lives) in the____ (circus)

    Ask questions:
    1) Are you will?
    2) Are you happy?
    3) Do you like circuses?
    4) Do you like swimming?
    5) How did you feel when people made fun of you?

    1) Will live at the circus.
    2) Will learned how to swim.
    3) Willhad no arms.
    4) Mendez ad vised him to will
    5) Will era feliz- Will is happy

    Match these lists:
    Mendez was the owner(5) 1)Swim
    Will had no(4) 2)Run
    Will live at the(3) 3)Circus
    Will leorned to(1) 4)Arms
    Will can't(2) 5)Of the butterfly circus.
