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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lovely words- Choose a word and write a sentence!

Places- Do you like this place? Why? Why not? Describe it please: It is..... There are........ There is....... People can........but they can´t ........ Animals can.........but they can´t....... People like..................... They don´t like...........................

Do you like this place? Why? Why not?

Describe it please:

It is.....
There are........
There is.......
People can........but they can´t ........
Animals can.........but they can´t.......
People like.....................
They don´t like...........................

Places- Can you describe this place? Where is it? Is it cold or hot? Do people live there? Are there any houses nearby? Are there any animals ? Do you think it is a beautiful place to live?

Describe this place.

Under the sea- Can you make some comments? Can you swim? Can you dive? Are there any sharks, dolphins, fish around? Do you like sailing? Do you like surfing? Do you like travelling by ship, boat, motorboat?

At the sea- Can you make some comments? Do you like going to the beach? Do you like surfing? What´s the weather like?

Rainy days! Do you like these days? Write down your own story, please.

Speed!!! Give your opinion, please.

Answer these questions 

 1. Who is driving the car?
 2. Where is he/she going?
 3. What time is it?
 4- Why is he driving so fast?
 5. Can you drive?
6. What do you think of this image? Is it real?


Can you make some comments?

What´s this? Do you like it?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I.             Exhibición del video de la canción Paradise del grupo Coldplay.
II.           Los alumnos:    
a.    Relataron las escenas del video utilizando el tiempo pasado simple
b.    Enumeraron los diferentes animales, medios de transportes, situaciones de encierro, etc.
c.    Escucharon atentamente la canción y realizaron un ejercicio con la letra de la canción, luego eligieron un título y escribieron un posible final para la historia.
III.         Elaboraron un poster utilizando imágenes, texto    con un mensaje sobre  Paradise – Paraiso con adjetivos en su forma comparativa , ordenes afirmativas y negativas.
                                              Prof. Justina Diaz

Paradise by Coldplay

Choose the correct option 

When - What she was just a girl
She expected the word -  world
But it - eat flew away from her reach so
She run - ran away in her sleep

And dreamed of
Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise,


__ Every time she closed her eyes
__ But it flew away from her reach
__ In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
__ When she was just a girl
__ Every tear a waterfall
­­ __She expected the world
__ Life goes on, it gets so heavy
__ In the night the stormy night away she'd fly
__ And the bullets catch in her teeth
__ The wheel breaks the butterfly

And dreams of
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh-oh
She'd dream of
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

And so lying underneath those stormy skies
She'd say, "oh, ohohohoh
I know the sun must set to rise"

This could be
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh

Choose a title :
The world is a Paradise.
I dream of a Paradise.
The Paradise is a dream.

The world is a paradise

Let the animals live freely

Animals Without Freedom!!
                  The monkey is sad 
                Freedom of animals!

                                                       The world is a paradise!

We can make the paradise...!

No more zoos!
More freedom!