All the material and information included in this blog is for academic and educational purposes only.
Notice: If the author/s of said material request/s its removal it will be done immediately.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Sunday Funday

Listen to the song and answer these questions, please (Escuchá la canción y contestá estas preguntas, por favor.)

1- Do you like Mondays?
2- Write down the days of the week
3- What do you do on Sundays?
4- Does he like to work?
5- What does he want to do?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Rhyming words 4

Después de escuchar las palabras, elegí algunas y escribí una oración.Si querés , podés usar dos palabras en una oración.
Could you please write down at least 3 examples/sentences? (¿Podrías escribir `por lo menos tres ejemplos/ oraciones?)

Rhyming 3

Please, write down as many examples/sentences as possible (Escribí tantos ejemplos/ oraciones como te sea posible)
For example: I have got a blue hat.
                      I like cats

These are the words that rhyme

Are you ready?

1- Watch the video.
2- Choose different words and write down sentences.
3- You can include two words in the same example if you want.
For example: Look, that bed is red.
                      Give me the bat, there is a bat flying!!

Rhyming words 2

Choose two words that rhyme and write as many examples/ sentences as you can.
For instance:
Don´t talk!  just walk!!

Elegí dos palabras que rimen y escribí tantos ejemplos/ oraciones como puedas.

Rhyming words 1

Choose ten words and write sentences/ examples, please
Elegí diez palabras y escribí oraciones/ ejemplos. Pueden ser las cuatro palabras que riman ;
1-por separado
2-usar dos palabras de un mismo grupo que rimen en una oración. 
3- usar dos palabras de distintos grupos de rima.

Grupo 1  hat, sat, chat, rat

Grupo 2  cook, book, took, hook

Examples- Ejemplos

1-  There is a rat in the garden!

2- The cat sat on my hat

3- I can´t chat with you now. I am cooking!


Could you write down the words that are mispronounced and write examples, please?

Attention, please!!

Can you write some examples sentences, please? (¿Podés escribir algunos ejemplos, oraciones, por favor?)
Depende de como pronunciemos las palabras podemos decir una cosa u otra.
 Por ejemplo: soap /jabón) y soup (sopa). 
La idea es que escribas oraciones distintas a las del video. Podrías utilizar los pares de palabras para demostrar la diferencia o elegir palabras distintas de cada par. 

Ejemplo: Wash your hands!. Give me the soap, please

Do you like tomato soup

Do you speak English?

Sinking or thinking?

I would like to buy a hamburger

Complete these sentences, please. 
I would like to buy a........................................
I would like to buy a........................................
I would like to ...............................................
I would like to .................................................

Phonics chart

La importancia de saber idiomas

1- Watch this video and answer question  2

 2- What do you think? Is it important to learn a language?  Why? Why not?. Give your opinion.
Remember to use: I thnk.....In my opinion.......