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Monday, February 15, 2016

Rhyming words 2

Choose two words that rhyme and write as many examples/ sentences as you can.
For instance:
Don´t talk!  just walk!!

Elegí dos palabras que rimen y escribí tantos ejemplos/ oraciones como puedas.


  1. Alan Leiva 2da 4
    Don´t talk! just walk!!
    run is very fun
    cry is good
    call me by my name

  2. Alan,
    Crying is good.
    Running is fun
    Fun run ( an event in which people run a certain distance for pleasure, usually to make money for charity) Se le llama Fun run a un evento en el que la gente corre cierta distancia por placer y usualmente para recaudar dinero para ayudar) Las dos palabras riman fun y run. y conforman una expresión.

  3. My broken shoe needs glue.
    My sister is wearing a dress that is a mess.
    There is a natural charm in a farm.
    My luck is stuck!
    My aunt's daughter drinks so much water.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3

    I like to sing and I have a ring.
    She has to say when to play.

  5. Daila Giménez 2da 4°
    A mouse got into my house
    You have to add the silver to go shopping
    I'm going to throw the stick at your head if you don't stop that

  6. Daila,
    Silver significa plata pero el metal. Cuando decís que una cadena es de plata por ejemplo. money es plata = dinero.
    Tratá de buscar las palabras que están en el video y usarlas en una oración como la primera oración que hiciste que estuvo muy bien: A mouse got into my house.
    Cuidado si usás el traductor. El traductor es una máquina y no distingue el real significado de las palabras.

  7. 1- I like to talk when I go to walk.
    It is sad to see someone bad.
    Inside my cap I have a map.
    I have to find a way to strengthen my mind.
    She sings while searching for her ring.
    How good it is to have hood.

    Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc.

  8. Renzo,
    Very good!!!
    I like to talk when I go for a walk
    Can you explain the meaning of this sentence? "How good it is to have hood. " Is it related to games on line?

  9. Luna Massarotti 2°4

    Playing is having fun
    Grab a map, fly
    Cry is always good

  10. Ignacio Pontecorvo. 2º 4ta. liceo Nº3
    that SAD boy is BAD.
    I have to FIND the MAP.
    I have the SAME NAME as my friend.

  11. Ignacio,
    Very good!
    sad and bad / same and name (riman)

  12. I cut my hair on the stairs
    -There is a mouse in my house
    -Go to the store on the right. But it runs that it is already late!
    -I will put glue on the shoe
    -They have the same name!
    -I was going to hug you and my bracelet got tangled with your bag
    -To be so sad is always bad
    5º2ºSOC.HUM Liceo Nº3

  13. Nurianly,
    Very good!
    I cut my hair on the stairs ???
    .....but run because it is late

  14. Mientras camino me pregunto
    Los pajaros cantan y siento volar
    Estoy triste un momento
    Luego de jugar con la pelota
    Correr, me voy a bañar

    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  15. -When I take myself out for a walk, I like to make him run, it's really
    -I want to go to a fun run.
    -I went to the supermarket to buy a pack of bags.
    -I want to tell my friend something, but the church bell won't let me speak.
    -I found my cap! I had in mind where it was, but I couldn't find it.

    Nahuel Duarte. 5ª 2da. Soc.

  16. sin - ring
    run - fun
    good - hood
    water - daughter
    brother - other

    -a man sing a song to her while giving the wedding ring to his girlfriend
    - I run because it's fun
    - it is good to wear a hood when it rains
    - my daughter drinks water
    -my other brother is 16 years old

    Sosa ayelen 5°2da sociales

  17. The dress is a mess.
    The dress is beautiful, but the dance is a mess.
    Better to run for fun than run for fear.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  18. Lucas sings his favorite song
    Maria has a pink ring
    The school bell rings
    Mirian has to tell her friend a secret
    The teacher has to talk to Enzo
    Mieres Melina 2°5
