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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Giving opinions

Choose a situation and give your opinion

What do you think?
In my opinion..............................
I think..........................................
I suppose....................................
I believe....................................

                                                                             Situation 1

                                                                         Situation 2

Situation 3

                                                                  Situation  4

                                                                       Situation 5

                                                                       Situation 6


  1. Situation 1:

    In my opinion, the situation number one expresses the truth. I think in the old days we were active people and now we depend too much on technology. In the old days we watched movies on the sofa with our families, we bought the newspaper every week, we talked to our friends on the phone. I suppose that now we do all these actions with the help of the computer or the mobile phone. I believe that this lifestyle makes us lonelier.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3.

  2. Situation 6: In my opinion, this situation exists because these things happen in my family, but now my mother prefers to explain why she doesn't like us to search the Internet.
    She prefers that we look for information in books.

    Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc.

  3. Situation 2: In my opinion, before the boys went out to do sports outside and now they do sports indoors but in video games.


  4. Situacion 2:
    Antes se disfrutaba mas el echo de juntarse con amigos y jugar o hacer bromas, ahora están mas atados a la tecnología, se termina por convertir en un vicio los videojuegos.

    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  5. In my opinion, before things were valued more, they socialized more, face to face, it was all simpler, youth needed little to entertain themselves, now everything is based on technology and there many things are lost that after all end up being more damaging. Example: when they should be related.

    Nahuel Duarte 5ª 2da. Soc.

  6. situation 2
    What you think?
    In my opinion, before the boys went out to play outdoors, now they are all the time at home playing with the computer or cell phone.
    I think they should have more social life, give up the Internet and video games a bit.
    I suppose it is because we are in another era, now the technology is more advanced and the boys are more entertained.
    I think they lose a lot of things without leaving home, it is better to play ball in real life than to play on a screen

    Sosa ayelen 5°2da sociales

  7. Situation number 3
    In my opinion it represents the social isolation of people in many cases voluntary.
    Before a birthday party was the best time to get together and share the moment with loved ones, see each other, hug with friends and family, talk face to face, all that was lost, nowadays many people believe that it is ok just to congratulate you in the networks, as if it was enough.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  8. I chose situation 1, I think I change as everything changes in society. Everything evolves as time passes and in a few years what is current will be old. The changes are fine, the problem is how it is used.

    NIEVA 5°2° SOC

  9. In my opinion, situation 1 tries to show the advancement of technology. Currently everything is concentrated in the same device whereas before each activity such as listening to music had a separate space from other activities such as talking on the phone. Now everything happens at the same time.

    Enzo Arena
    5° 2°
