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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend (Lyrics)

Listen to the song.

What is it about?

What´s the meaning of these words / expressions? Think of examples, please. 
broken heart- split second- breath of relief- walk on moonlight- pull somebody close- wake up in tears- love- lose- hold- take somebody for granted- run ouf of time- in the blink of an eye- the truth is.......

Imagine the following:

What´s her name?

What´s his name?

Where did they meet?

How long have they been together?

Are they optimistic, pessimistic, realistic?

Can dreams come true?

Do you like this song?


  1. It's about appreciating every second with the person you love because we'll never know when we'll run out of time.

    Broken heart: corazón roto. Example: I am gonna heal my broken heart tonight
    Split second: fracción de segundo. Example: Everything changed in a split second.
    Breath of relief: soplo de alivio. Example: What a breath of relief to be with my family in this quarantine.
    Walk on moonlight: caminar a la luz de la luna. Example: I walk on moonlight when I'm in Las Toninas.
    Pull somebody close: atraer a alguien cerca. Example: I love to pull my dog close to me.
    Wake up in tears: despertar en lágrimas. Example: I wake up in tears when I'm sad.
    Love: amor. Example: I love watching TV.
    Lose: perder. Example: I needed to lose you to love me.
    Hold: sostener/agarrar fuerte/abrazar. Example: I want to hold your hand.
    Take somebody for granted: dar a alguien por sentado. Example: I took my cat for granted and now he's gone.
    Run out of time: quedarse sin tiempo. Example: I ran out of time before I could finish the exam.
    In the blink of an eye: en un parpadeo. Example: It was all over in the blink of an eye.
    The truth is: la verdad es. Example: The truth is out there.

    Her name is Maia.
    His name is James.
    They met in a park.
    They have been together for two years.
    They are realistic.
    Yes, they can.
    Yes, I love this song.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3.

  2. It is about valuing the people we love and taking advantage of the time we share with that person, because we do not know what will happen tomorrow.

    broken heart-corazón roto.Example: The movie left me with a broken heart.
    split second-fracción de segundo.Example: Replied to the message in a split second.
    breath of relief-aliento de alivio.Example: What a relief it is to finish all the practical work.
    walk on moonlight-caminar a la luz de la luna.Example: The movie is called walk on moonlight.
    pull somebody close-acercar a alguien.Example: My dog ​​is somebody close to me.
    wake up in tears-despertar en lágrimas.Example: I wake up in tears when I have a cold.
    love-amor.Example: I love my family.
    lose-perder.Example: I do not like lose.
    hold-sostener.Example: I hold my glass to drink.
    take somebody for granted-dar a alguien por sentado.Example: I took my brother for granted to explain the task.
    run ouf of time-quedarse sin tiempo.Example: I ran out of time to buy the map.
    in the blink of an eye-en un parpadeo.Example: I lost my money in the blink of an eye, in a game.
    the truth is-la verdad es.Example: The truth is all that's right.

    His name is Nicolas.
    Her name is Lucia.
    They met at a party.
    They have been together for a year.
    They are optimistic.
    I like the song.

    Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc.

  3. Renzo,
    I don´t like losing / to lose explain the task to me.

  4. The video is about taking advantage of the people we love and spending a lot of time with them because we don't know if they will be by our side tomorrow.

    2)Broken heart: Corazón roto Example: My heart is broken since she is not there
    second fraction: Fracción de segundo Example: It all happened in a fraction of a second.
    Breath of Relief: Aliento de alivio Example: What a Relief to Finish All Tasks
    walk in the moonlight:Caminar a la luz de la luna Example: I walk in the moonlight with the right person
    Pull somebody close: Acercar a alguien Example: you get closer to people with your personality
    Wake up to tears:Despertar en lágrimas
    Example: I woke up crying from dreaming about my dog
    Love:Amor love Example: I love my mother
    lose: Perder
    Example: I wasted my time
    Hold: Sostener Example: I held you as long as I could
    Take somebody for granted:Dar a alguien por sentado
    Example: I took you for granted when you decided to leave.
    Run ouf of time: Quedarse sin tiempo
    Example: My time in this world is over
    In the blink of an eye: En un abrir y cerrar de ojos Example: Everything happened in the blink of an eye.
    The truth is: La verdad es Example: the truth is what is hidden from us

    Her name is Andrea.
    His name is Miguel.
    They met in a laundry shop
    They have been together for nine months.
    They are realistic.
    If you can.
    If I like this song

    Nurianly Rojas 5º 2º SOC.HUM Liceo Nº3

  5. Nurianly,
    Very good!
    lose= perder waste= malgastar. you can lose time or waste time.
    Yes, they can
    Yes, I like this song.
    Recordá que cuando se afirma en inglés se dice: Yes. If significa si pero como un nexo de una oración subordinada. If they are together they will be happy. (Si están juntos serán felices). El traductor traduce si como if si no se utiliza una coma.

  6. Se trata de disfrutar el momento junto a la persona que amas porque no sabemos cuando será la ultima vez que la tendremos al lado
    2)Corazón roto: Corazón roto. Ejemplo: me dejo con el corazón roto. Fraccion de segundo, ejemplo: se me paro el corazón en una fracción de segundos. Aliento de alivio, ejemplo: que alivio siento al no tener duedas. Caminar a la luz de la luna, ejemplo: caminar a la luz de la luna sin prisa. Acercar a alguien, ejemplo:sin ser nada me siento cercano. Despertar en lagrimas, ejemplo:me despierto llorando por un triste recuerdo.
    Amor, ejemplo: amo mis zapatillas nuevas.
    Perder, ejemplo: no superare tu perdida.
    Sostener, ejemplo: quiero ser tu sostén en momentos difíciles.
    Dar a alguien por sentado: te di por sentado y ahora no quieres verme.
    Quedarse sin tiempo, ejemplo: no tuve tiempo de estudiar
    En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, ejemplo: el año paso en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
    La verdad es, ejemplo: la verdad es ser sinceros, no ocultar
    Su nombre es Lucas
    Su nombre es Yael
    Se conocieron en una librería
    Son realistas
    Si, se pueden
    Si, me gusta

    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  7. 1-
    The song is about the time that does not wait for anyone, it is fleeting, we can only trust the present.

    Corazòn roto:My girlfriend left me, I have a broken heart!

    Fracciòn de segundo:In a fraction of a second everything can change ...

    Aliento de alivio:The worst is over, I feel relieved!

    Caminar a la luz de la luna:Peace, quiet and stillness.

    Despertar llorand:The sadness that does not let you rest.

    Amar:Giving everything without asking for anything in return.

    Perder:Give and not reach.

    Dar a alguien por sentado:Sincerely showing affection, but past the value of the person is forgotten.

    Quedarse sin tiempo:That time does not reach.

    En un abrir y cerrar de ojos: One moment it is and the next it is no longer.

    3- The song if I like it, I think they are realistic, it is better to take advantage of the present, live it, because you never know what may happen in the future.

    Nahuel Duarte 5ª 2 da Sociales.

  8. It is about valuing the people we love because tomorrow we don't know if they will be with us.

    2) Broken heart: broken heart. Example: tonight I am going to heal my broken heart.Fraction of a second: fraction of a second. Example: everything changed in a fraction of a second. Breath of relief: breath of relief. Example: What a relief to be with my family in this quarantine.Walk in the moonlight: walk in the moonlight. Example: I walk in the moonlight when I am in good company.Bring someone closer: bring someone closer. Example: I approached someone with my personality.Wake up with tears: wake up with tears. Example: I wake up crying when I am sad.Love Love. Example: I love to see my dog ​​happy Lose lose. Example: I needed to lose you to love me.
    Hold: hold / hold tight / hug. Example: I want to hold your hand
    Take someone for granted: take someone for granted. Example: I took a friend for granted and now he's gone.
    Running out of time: running out of time. Example: I ran out of time before I could finish ordering.
    In the blink of an eye: in the blink of an eye. Example: everything ended in the blink of an eye. The truth is: the truth is. Example: the truth is what they hide from us

    His name is federico.
    her name is Valeria.
    They met at a concert.
    they have been together three years.
    They are pessimistic.
    Yes you can.
    Yes I love it.

    Sosa ayelen 5°2da sociales

  9. 1)It's about a lost of love or to be lost
    2)broken heart: corazon roto ex: My heart is broken
    split second: fraccion de segundo ex: he do it in a split second breath of relief: aliento de alivio ex: I finish it and I feel a
    breath of relief
    walk on moonlight: caminar a la luz de la luna ex: I love walk on moonlight
    pull somebody close: acercar a alguien ex: I pull somebody close
    wake up in tears: despertarse en lagrimas ex: she wake up in tears missing her dog
    love:amor ex: I fall in love with he lose
    hold: sostener I hold to my memories with he
    take somebody for granted: tomar a alguien por atribuido ex: I take for granted that he could never hurt me
    run out of time: quedarse sin tiempo ex: I run out of time to buy
    in the blink of an eye: En un parpadeo ex:I lost the bus in the blink of an eye
    the truth is: la verdad es... ex: the truth is that i don't do it

    Imagine the following:

    her name is Lucy

    his name is hero

    they meet in a bar

    they were together 2 years

    they are realistics

    yes can come true

    Yes I love this song

    Nieva 5°2° soc

  10. 1)The song is about taking advantage of the time with the loved one.
    Broken heart=corazón roto./For examplemy heart breaks when someone lies to me.
    split second=fraccion de segundo./for example: the accident happened in a split second.
    Breath of relief=aliento de alivio.for example: it's a relief to finish homework
    Walk on moonlight=caminar bajo la luz de la luna./for example: it's a relief to finish homework
    Pull somebody close=acercar a alguien./for example: I always have my family close to me
    Wake up in tears=despertar en lagrimas./for example: when I have nightmares I wake up in tears
    Love=amor./for example: I love my pets
    Lose=perder.for example: I love my pets
    hold=mantener./ for example: my family holds my hand when I need them
    Take somebody for granted=dar a alguien por sentado./for example: don't take someone you don't know well for granted
    Run ouf of time=agotar el tiempo./for example: enjoy life because run ouf of time.
    In the blink of an eye=en un parpadeo./for example: everything ended in a blink of an eye.
    The truth is=la verdad es./for example: the truth is that everything changes very fast.
    They met on social media.
    They have been together for 3 years.
    They are realistic.
    Of course dreams can come true.
    I really like the song.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  11. 1-it's about valuing the people you love
    2-Broken heart: broken heart Example: my heart is broken because she is not
    Second fraction: fraction of a second Example: everything happened in a fraction of a second.
    Breath of Relief: Breath of Relief Example: What a relief to finish my tasks
    walk in the moonlight: walk in the moonlight Example: walk in the moonlight when I'm sad
    Get closer to someone: get closer to someone Example: you approach people with your personality
    Waking up with tears: waking up with tears
    Example: I woke up crying because I had a horrible dream
    Love: love love Example: I love my mother
    lose lose
    Example: I wasted time cleaning
    Hold: Hold Example: I would like to hold your hand
    Take someone for granted: take someone for granted
    Example: I took you for granted when you decided to leave.
    Time is running out: time is running out
    Example: my time in this world is up
    In the blink of an eye: In the blink of an eye Example: Everything happened in the blink of an eye.
    The truth is: the truth is an example: the truth is what hides us

    His name is federico
    Her name is valeria
    They met at a concert
    They have been together for three years.
    They are optimistic.
    If you can.
    Yes, I love this song.

    Sosa ayelen 5°2da sociales

  12. esto trata de apreciar cada segundo con la persona que amas porque nunca sabremos cuándo nos quedaremos sin tiempo.

    Corazón roto: corazón roto. Ejemplo:

    Esta noche voy a sanar mi corazón roto . Fracción de segundo. Ejemplo: todo cambió en una fracción de segundo.

    Aliento de alivio: soplo de alivio. Ejemplo: Qué alivio estar con mi familia en esta cuarentena.

    Caminar a la luz de la luna: caminar a la luz de la luna. Ejemplo: Camino a la luz de la luna cuando estoy en Las Toninas.
    Pull somebody close: atraer a alguien cerca. Ejemplo: me encanta acercar a mi perro a mí.

    Despierta en lágrimas: despertar en lágrimas. Ejemplo: me despierto llorando cuando estoy triste.

    Amor: amor. Ejemplo: me encanta ver la televisión.
    Perder: perder. Ejemplo: necesitaba perderte para amarme.
    Sostener: sostener / agarrar fuerte / abrazar. Ejemplo: quiero tomar tu mano.
    Dar a alguien por sentado: dar a alguien por sentado. Ejemplo: di por sentado a mi gato y ahora se ha ido.
    Quedarse sin tiempo: quedarse sin tiempo. Ejemplo: se me acabó el tiempo antes de poder terminar el examen.
    En un abrir y cerrar de ojos: en un parpadeo. Ejemplo: todo terminó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
    La verdad es: la verdad es. Ejemplo: la verdad está ahí fuera.

    Su nombre es Maia.
    Su nombre es James.
    Se conocieron en un parque.
    Llevan juntos dos años.
    Son realistas.
    Sí pueden.
    Sí, amo esta canción.Se trata de apreciar cada segundo con la persona que amas porque nunca sabremos cuándo nos quedaremos sin tiempo.

    Corazón roto: corazón roto. Ejemplo:
    Esta noche voy a sanar mi corazón roto . Fracción de segundo. Ejemplo: todo cambió en una fracción de segundo.
    Aliento de alivio: soplo de alivio. Ejemplo: Qué alivio estar con mi familia en esta cuarentena.
    Caminar a la luz de la luna: caminar a la luz de la luna. Ejemplo: Camino a la luz de la luna cuando estoy en Las Toninas.
    Pull somebody close: atraer a alguien cerca. Ejemplo: me encanta acercar a mi perro a mí.
    Despierta en lágrimas: despertar en lágrimas. Ejemplo: me despierto llorando cuando estoy triste.
    Amor: amor. Ejemplo: me encanta ver la televisión.
    Perder: perder. Ejemplo: necesitaba perderte para amarme.
    Sostener: sostener / agarrar fuerte / abrazar.

    Ejemplo: quiero tomar tu mano.
    Dar a alguien por sentado: dar a alguien por sentado.

    Ejemplo: di por sentado a mi gato y ahora se ha ido.
    Quedarse sin tiempo: quedarse sin tiempo.

    Ejemplo: se me acabó el tiempo antes de poder terminar el examen.

    En un abrir y cerrar de ojos: en un parpadeo.

    Ejemplo: todo terminó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

    La verdad es: la verdad es. Ejemplo: la verdad está ahí fuera.

    Su nombre es Maia.

    Su nombre es James.

    Se conocieron en un parque.

    Llevan juntos dos años.

    Son realistas.

    Sí pueden.

    Sí, amo esta canción.

    Francisco Tempone 5to 2da SOC liceo n3
