Language Assistant Profile: Brinley Bruton
Buenas a todos!
My name is Brinley Bruton and I am one of the English Teaching Assistants this year. I cannot explain my excitement to meet you and help you with your English skills, but most of all, to get to know you and to learn from you! I would describe myself as open, curious, caring, and posi-tive, so I hope you can grow to feel comfortable getting to know me and reaching out to me - even if it’s just to get coffee and practice speaking in English.
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a state just below New York, and I grew up there living with my mother. Pittsburgh is known for its history as an old working city and for its sports teams. I also grew up visiting my father in Houston, Texas, a state way down south, so I have always considered myself to have more than one home. When I began college at the University of Michigan, there was no doubt that I had gained a third new place to consider my home!
At Michigan I studied Spanish, International Studies, and Community Action & Social Change. Most of my studies focused on Latin America, and I was involved in many organizations as a volunteer where I worked with members of the Latino community. Throughout college I grew very passionate about social justice and Hispanic cultures, and I was very dedicated to finding opportunities to merge these passions! I have always been particularly interested in education, and I have loved tutoring and teaching children and adults in English and in Spanish through-out my time in college.
I have been to Argentina twice before, once in 2013 for a short period and again in 2014 to com-plete an academic semester. I have been to a variety of other countries throughout Latin Ameri-ca as well, including the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Vene-zuela. I am so excited to be back in Buenos Aires for a third time and am ready to embrace new experiences with you, the students!
Some of my favorite things are movies, music, singing, dancing, traveling, exploring the city, trying new restaurants and bars, cooking, spending time outdoors, doing exercise and working out, reading, and spending time with friends new and old. I hope I can be not only a useful re-course to you but also a friend. Once again, I am very much looking forward to meeting you!
Thank you, Brinley!!!!!!