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Monday, September 26, 2016

Let´s read and ask questions!

Brinley Bruton came to our school and we had a great time.  Write down all the questions you wanted to ask her.

Language Assistant Profile: Brinley Bruton
Buenas a todos!
My name is Brinley Bruton and I am one of the English Teaching Assistants this year. I cannot explain my excitement to meet you and help you with your English skills, but most of all, to get to know you and to learn from you! I would describe myself as open, curious, caring, and posi-tive, so I hope you can grow to feel comfortable getting to know me and reaching out to me - even if it’s just to get coffee and practice speaking in English.
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a state just below New York, and I grew up there living with my mother. Pittsburgh is known for its history as an old working city and for its sports teams. I also grew up visiting my father in Houston, Texas, a state way down south, so I have always considered myself to have more than one home. When I began college at the University of Michigan, there was no doubt that I had gained a third new place to consider my home!
At Michigan I studied Spanish, International Studies, and Community Action & Social Change. Most of my studies focused on Latin America, and I was involved in many organizations as a volunteer where I worked with members of the Latino community. Throughout college I grew very passionate about social justice and Hispanic cultures, and I was very dedicated to finding opportunities to merge these passions! I have always been particularly interested in education, and I have loved tutoring and teaching children and adults in English and in Spanish through-out my time in college.
I have been to Argentina twice before, once in 2013 for a short period and again in 2014 to com-plete an academic semester. I have been to a variety of other countries throughout Latin Ameri-ca as well, including the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Vene-zuela. I am so excited to be back in Buenos Aires for a third time and am ready to embrace new experiences with you, the students!
Some of my favorite things are movies, music, singing, dancing, traveling, exploring the city, trying new restaurants and bars, cooking, spending time outdoors, doing exercise and working out, reading, and spending time with friends new and old. I hope I can be not only a useful re-course to you but also a friend. Once again, I am very much looking forward to meeting you!

                                                         Thank you, Brinley!!!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Case 1- Job interview

Este ejercicio A es muy especial porque las respuestas son prácticamente únicas. De todas formas, hay que prestar atención en lo que dice el protagonista para poder completar las oraciones. 
Con respecto al ejercicio B hay un sinfin de preguntas que se podrían realizar por lo tanto piensen en sus propias preguntas y no se basen en las que ya fueron hechas. 
A) Complete these sentences, please.  
1- His name is .....................................
2. This man is looking for a ............................
3. Before being arrested he was ...........................his..........................
4- He was arrested because he didn´t .....................  ...............................
 5.He was first in his .................................
 6-He is the type of ................................................
 7-He knows how to find............................................
  8.What would he say if he hired a guy without a shirt?
  9-He must have had some really................   ........................
  10- In my opinion, he will .................................................

B) What would you ask him? Think of three questions!

Groo´s actions!!!

Describe Gru´s actions now.
     Describe Gru´s habitual actions
Describe Gru´s past actions
Describe Gru´s future actions


I found love by Owl City
I was so young and reckless
It was all a blur but there you were
And your love left me breathless
When the fairy dust fell over us
Yeah I, I felt I could fly
'Cause I, I found love
So take my hand, and shed a tear
Before i'm gone, it's now or never
I'll hold you close, the end is near
But love goes on, and on forever
It's so dark in my mind
I cross my heart and hope to die
I'm so bad, at goodbyes
I hold my breath, and close my eyes
I don't have a lot left
Oh, how did it end so fast?
I say, with my last breath
It's a perfect day, to float away
When the sparks, flew between us
I saw you glow, and had to know
Where our journey would lead us
Til' the story end, and back again
Yeah I, I felt I could fly
'Cause I, I found love

Choose an exercise and do it!!  You can choose more than one!!! Extra practice!!!
a. Ask questions
b. True or False
c. Put the sentences in order
d. Complete please
e. Write a story

Personal Information 2016

Read the different presentations. Choose a person and ask him / her three questions.You can ask: What´s your.....?  Are you....?  Where .....?  When......?  Why.....? What time....?Have you got......? Can you......? Do you like.....? Did you .....? Will you......? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Frankestein!!! (1818-2018) 200 years!!!

Let´s read the story! (¡Leeamos la historia!)

The story goes way back to the year 1818.  Mary Shelley was in Italy at that time. One night, Mary Shelley had a particularly memorable dream, a horrifying dream, a real nightmare in which she had a vision of a terrible monster created by using body parts from different people. Mary later wrote that she awoke from the dream in the middle of the night, too scared to go back to sleep and she told herself: “What terrified me, will terrify others”. The next day, she sat down and started to write and in a matter of weeks she had finished the story of that monster. A monster assembled by a crazy doctor named Frankestein.  Frankestein, the book became a 19th century best seller and in the 20th century more than a hundred films were made based on Frankestein. And that is the story of the legendary monster that was born in a dream.

Now, there are different exercises. Choose one of these exercises and do it. (Hay cinco tipos de ejercicios. Elegí uno y hacelo)

1-Answer these questions, please.  (Contestá estas preguntas, por favor)
       Have you ever heard of Frankestein?
       Can you mention other monsters?
       Do you like terror movies?
       Do you remember any terror story?  Write it down, please.
       Who is Mary Shelley?
-      What´s the doctor´sname?
       What´s the monster´s name?
        How old is the monster?
       Why did Mary Shelley decide to write the novel?
       When did the book become a best seller?
        How many movies were made based on the novel?

2-Translate these sentences, please.(Traducí estas oraciones, por favor)

Si yo me acordara de un sueño de terror no lo escribiría, trataría de olvidarlo.
      Si vamos al cine podemos ver una comedia porque a mi no me gustan las películas de terror.  
      Yo que vos no miraría esa película. Es terrible.
S    Si Mary Shelley no hubiera escrito su sueño ella no habría sido famosa

3-True or False? Why? (¿Verdadero o Falso? ¿Por qué?) Fijate en el ejemplo. Tenés que justificar las oraciones de la misma manera. 
Example: Mary wrote the  story in 1918. False, because she wrote the story in 1818

1-      Mary wrote the story in the 20th century
2-      A lot of people created that horrible monster.
3-      She was taking a nap when she had that terrible dream.
4-      She couldn´t finish the story immediately.  It took her more than three months to finish it.
5-      The doctor who created the monster was called Frankestein.
    Add one false sentence and justify your answer, please.(Agregá una oración falsa y justificá tu respuesta, por favor)

4- Imagine you are a T.V reporter. Interview Mary Shelley. Ask her five questions, please. (Imagíná que sos periodista. Entrevistá a Mary Shelley. Hacele cinco preguntas, por favor.)

5- Write down five facts that have called your attention about the video about Frankestein (Escribí cinco hechos que te hayan llamado la atención sobre el video de Frankestein)

Locked Away- R. City ft. Adam Levine Conditional Sentences ll

Complete these sentences, please.

1. If I didn´t have anything  .......................................
2. Would you still love me the same if.................................................?
3. Would you really cry for me if.............................................................?
4. If we lost everything I would..............................................................
5. If I were a flower I would be......................................................
6. If I could travel I would.............................................................
7. If I had money I would.............................................................
8. If I were a famous person I would................................................
9. If I were a pet I would ...............................................................
10- If I had time I would.............................................................

Sunday, September 4, 2016

St. Giuseppe Moscati - Doctor to the Poor

Saint Giuseppe Moscati (July 25, 1880 – April 12, 1927) was an Italian doctorscientific researcher, and university professor noted both for his pioneering work in biochemistry and for his piety.
Moscati remained true to his faith his entire life, taking a vow of chastity and practicing charity in his daily work. He viewed his practice of medical science as a way of alleviating suffering, not as a way of making profits, and would retire regularly for prayer.
 He also attended Mass daily, and would sometimes use a patient's faith, as well as the sacraments, in his treatments.
 Moscati also refused to charge the poor for their treatment, and was known to sometimes send a patient home with a prescription and a 50-lira note in an envelope
It was claimed even before his death that Moscati was a miracle-worker; some said that he could accurately diagnose and prescribe for any patient merely by hearing a list of his symptoms, and that he was responsible for impossible cures. Reports of his good works continued well after his death, with further reports that he interceded in impossible cases. Consequently, he was beatified by Pope Paul VI on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church on November 16, 1975. Moscati was canonized on October 25, 1987 by Pope John Paul II. His canonization miracle involved the case of a young ironworker dying of leukemia. The young man's mother dreamed of a doctor wearing a white coat, who she identified as Moscati when shown a photograph. Not long after this, her son went into remission and returned to work.
Moscati was the first modern doctor to be canonized; his feast day is November 16

Choose ONE of these exercises and do it, please.If you want you can do all of them
A) True or False
Example: Moscatti was a doctor who taught at High School. F
                Moscatti was a doctor who taught at university.

B) Multiple Choice
Example: Moscatti was a) a doctor   b) an architect  c) a patient

C) Complete, please
Example: Moscatti was...................................................
                Moscatti was a very famous Italian doctor.


Italian physician Maria Montessori was a pioneer of theories in early childhood education, which are still implemented in Montessori schools all over the globe.

Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, in the provincial town of Chiaravalle, Italy, to middle-class, well-educated parents. At the time that Montessori was growing up, Italy held conservative values about women's roles. From a young age, she consistently broke out of those proscribed gender limitations. 

After the family moved to Rome, when she was 14, Montessori attended classes at a boys' technical institute, where she further developed her aptitude for math and her interest in the sciences—particularly biology.  Facing her father's resistance but armed with her mother's support, Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the medical school of the University of Rome in 1896. In so doing, Montessori became the first female doctor in Italy. 

As a doctor, Montessori chose pediatrics and psychiatry as her specialties. While teaching at her medical-school alma mater, Montessori treated many poor and working-class children who attended the free clinics there. During that time, she observed that intrinsic intelligence was present in children of all socio-economic backgrounds.

 In 1907 she was placed in charge of the Casa dei Bambini school. By 1925, more than 1,000 Montessori schools had opened in the United States. By 1940 the Montessori movement had faded, but it was revived in the 1960s. During World War II, Montessori developed Education for Peace in India, and earned two Nobel Peace Prize nominations.

She died May 6, 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

A)Read the text, please and then answer these questions, please. 

1- Where was María Montessori from?
2-When was she born?
3- When did she die?
4- What did she study?
5. What did she do during World War ll?
Ask two more questions, please.

B) True or False?  Write five sentences related to the text.