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Sunday, September 4, 2016


Italian physician Maria Montessori was a pioneer of theories in early childhood education, which are still implemented in Montessori schools all over the globe.

Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, in the provincial town of Chiaravalle, Italy, to middle-class, well-educated parents. At the time that Montessori was growing up, Italy held conservative values about women's roles. From a young age, she consistently broke out of those proscribed gender limitations. 

After the family moved to Rome, when she was 14, Montessori attended classes at a boys' technical institute, where she further developed her aptitude for math and her interest in the sciences—particularly biology.  Facing her father's resistance but armed with her mother's support, Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the medical school of the University of Rome in 1896. In so doing, Montessori became the first female doctor in Italy. 

As a doctor, Montessori chose pediatrics and psychiatry as her specialties. While teaching at her medical-school alma mater, Montessori treated many poor and working-class children who attended the free clinics there. During that time, she observed that intrinsic intelligence was present in children of all socio-economic backgrounds.

 In 1907 she was placed in charge of the Casa dei Bambini school. By 1925, more than 1,000 Montessori schools had opened in the United States. By 1940 the Montessori movement had faded, but it was revived in the 1960s. During World War II, Montessori developed Education for Peace in India, and earned two Nobel Peace Prize nominations.

She died May 6, 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

A)Read the text, please and then answer these questions, please. 

1- Where was María Montessori from?
2-When was she born?
3- When did she die?
4- What did she study?
5. What did she do during World War ll?
Ask two more questions, please.

B) True or False?  Write five sentences related to the text.


  1. Maria Montessori.
    Una vita per i bambini.
    Paola Cortellesi.

    1)Where was María Montessori from?
    She was from Italy.
    2)When was she born? Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870.
    3)When did she die? She died May 06/1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.
    4)What did she study? She studied medicine.
    5)What did she do during World War ll? During World War II, Montessori developed Education for Peace in India, and earned two Nobel Peace Prize nominations.

    Ask two more questions, please.

    6 ) Do you like studying?
    7) How old where you when you graduated.

    B) True or False?  Write five sentences related to the text.

    1) Maria Montessori was born on July 01, 1788. FALSE because Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870.

    2) She died August 28, 1722, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands. FALSE because She died May 6, 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

    3) Montessori developed Education for Peace in New York FALSE because Montessori developed Education for Peace in India.

    4) Montessori became the first female doctor in EEUU.
    FALSE because Montessori became the first female doctor in Italy.

    5) Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the medical school of the University of India in 1888. FALSE because Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the medical school of the University of Rome in 1896.

    Agustina Lopez 4 ° 1 ° C.

    1. Agustina,
      Very good!!!!!!!!!!!
      7- How old WERE you WHEN you graduated?
      4. the U.S.A

  2. A)

    1) ..............

    2)She was born on August 31, 1870 in the provincial town of Chiaravalle,Italy.

    3) She died May 6, 1952 in in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

    4) The kids?

    5)Developed Education for Peace in India.


    1) Maria Montessori was born on August 30, 1820. FALSE.
    Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870.

    2)Maria Montessori became the first female doctor in Italy. TRUE.

    3) Maria Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the sciences school of the University of Argentina in 1890. FALSE.
    Maria Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the medical school of the University of Rome in 1896.

    4)Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870. TRUE.

    5) She died May 1, 1852, in Bolivia. FALSE.
    She died May 6, 1952, in Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

    1. Belén,
      Very Good work!!!
      4. medicine and then she taught kids.
      5. she developed Education.......

  3. 1- Where was María Montessori from?
    She was from Italy.
    2- When was she born? Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870.
    3- When did she die? She died May 06/1952
    4- What did she study? She studied medicine.
    5- What did she do during World War ll? During World War II, Montessori developed Education for Peace in India, and earned two Nobel Peace Prize nominations

    1- Maria Montessori was born in Roma -FALSE- because Maria Montessori was born in the provincial town of chiaravalle, Italy
    2- Montessori went on to graduate with high honors from the médical school -TRUE-
    3- Montessori never became medical -FALSE- because Montessori became the first female doctor in Italy
    4- She died May 6,1962 -FALSE- became she died May 6,1952
    5- By 1925, more than 1000 Montessori schools had opened in the United States -TRUE-

    Jazmin Vicari 4ta 1ra Comercial

  4. Jazmín,
    Very good!
    She died ON May 6th.....
    Chiaravalle (capital letter)
    She never became a medical doctor.
