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Monday, September 26, 2016

Let´s read and ask questions!

Brinley Bruton came to our school and we had a great time.  Write down all the questions you wanted to ask her.

Language Assistant Profile: Brinley Bruton
Buenas a todos!
My name is Brinley Bruton and I am one of the English Teaching Assistants this year. I cannot explain my excitement to meet you and help you with your English skills, but most of all, to get to know you and to learn from you! I would describe myself as open, curious, caring, and posi-tive, so I hope you can grow to feel comfortable getting to know me and reaching out to me - even if it’s just to get coffee and practice speaking in English.
I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a state just below New York, and I grew up there living with my mother. Pittsburgh is known for its history as an old working city and for its sports teams. I also grew up visiting my father in Houston, Texas, a state way down south, so I have always considered myself to have more than one home. When I began college at the University of Michigan, there was no doubt that I had gained a third new place to consider my home!
At Michigan I studied Spanish, International Studies, and Community Action & Social Change. Most of my studies focused on Latin America, and I was involved in many organizations as a volunteer where I worked with members of the Latino community. Throughout college I grew very passionate about social justice and Hispanic cultures, and I was very dedicated to finding opportunities to merge these passions! I have always been particularly interested in education, and I have loved tutoring and teaching children and adults in English and in Spanish through-out my time in college.
I have been to Argentina twice before, once in 2013 for a short period and again in 2014 to com-plete an academic semester. I have been to a variety of other countries throughout Latin Ameri-ca as well, including the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, and Vene-zuela. I am so excited to be back in Buenos Aires for a third time and am ready to embrace new experiences with you, the students!
Some of my favorite things are movies, music, singing, dancing, traveling, exploring the city, trying new restaurants and bars, cooking, spending time outdoors, doing exercise and working out, reading, and spending time with friends new and old. I hope I can be not only a useful re-course to you but also a friend. Once again, I am very much looking forward to meeting you!

                                                         Thank you, Brinley!!!!!!


  1. Agustina Lopez 4 ° 1 ° C

    1) How old are you?
    2) What do you think of Argentina?
    3) Do you like our school?
    4) What are schools like in the U.S.A?
    5) What are you like?
    6) What do you like?
    7) Do you like Argentina?
    8) Do you like Pittsburgh?
    9)What do you have for breakfast in Argentina?
    10) What do you have for lunch?
    11) What do you have for dinner?
    12) What's your favorite food in Argentina?
    13) What's your favorite sport?
    14) What sports do people play in Pittsburgh?
    15) Have you ever dyed your hair?
    16) What are your hobbies?
    17) Which lenguage is easier? Spanish of English?
    18) When did you start travelling?
    19) Can you buy dulce de leche in the U.S.A?
    20) Can you buy empanadas in the U.S.A?

    1. Hi Agustina! Thank you for your questions :)

      1. I am 23 years old.
      2. I think Argentina is a beautiful country with very rich cultures.
      3. Yes, I liked your school very much.
      4. We have a lot of schools in the US, so they are all very different. Some are very, very large with lots of students. Others are small with a lot of students, or small with few students. My school was large and it had a medium amount of students. We also had a football/soccer stadium and tennis courts on the school campus.
      5. I consider myself to be a very caring, loving, curious and outgoing person.
      6. I like speaking Spanish, listening to music, cooking and eating, enjoying the outdoors, watching movies, and traveling.
      7. I love Argentina!
      8. I love Pittsburgh, but I want to live in other cities.
      9. In Argentina I usually have scrambled eggs for breakfast.
      10. For lunch I usually eat rice with chicken or meat and vegetables.
      11. For dinner I usually eat rice with chicken or meat and vegetables or milanesa, or noodles.
      12. My favorite foods in Argentina are milanesa and asado.
      13. My favorite sport to play is volleyball. My favorite sports to watch are football and soccer.
      14. People in Pittsburgh play all sports! Our professional sports teams are football, hockey, and baseball.
      15. No, I have never dyed my hair.
      16. My hobbies right now in Argentina are cooking and watching Netflix. I also like to write on my blog, and I love to sing! But in Argentina I haven't been singing.
      17. I think Spanish is easier than English because the pronunciation of Spanish is just like the spelling.
      18. I started traveling by myself in 2013.
      19. I have never been able to buy dulce de leche in the US, but maybe in some cities where Argentines live you can buy it!
      20. Same with empanadas, you can only get them in some places.

  2. Agustina,
    Look: lAnguage.....Spanish OR.....

  3. 1) What do you think of Argentina?
    2) What do you think of the schools you visited in Argentina?
    3)Do you like fernet?
    4)Would you like to have children?
    5)Do you have a boyfriend?
    6)Are you married?
    7)Would like to live in Argentina?
    8)What's your job?
    9)What is the weather in Pittsburgh like?
    10)Do you like Torta Frita?
    11)Do you like Guiso?
    12)What's your favorite food in México, Dominican Republic,Colombia,Perú,Brazil,Chile and Venezuela?
    13)What's your favorite restaurants in Argentina?
    14)What do you have for breakfast in México?
    15)What do you have for lunch in Perú?
    16)What do you have for dinner in Brazil?
    17)What's your favorite sport in Venezuela?
    18)What are schools like in the U.S.A?
    19)Do you like Alfajor?
    20)What do you like the Argentina?


    1. Hi Belencoria! Thank you for your questions!

      1. I love Argentina!
      2. I very much liked the schools I visited here. They are very different from the schools I went to the in the US, so I learned a lot about the school system here in Argentina.
      3. Yes, I like fernet.
      4. Yes, someday I would like to have children.
      5. Yes, I have a boyfriend.
      6. No, I'm not married.
      7. I would like to live in Argentina for at least a few more years, at least!
      8. My job right now is to be an English assistant in public schools in Buenos Aires -- that's how I visited your school!
      9. In the winter in Pittsburgh it gets very cold and it snows. In the summer it is very hot! In the fall the leaves of the trees turn orange and yellow and red. In the spring it rains some and the weather gets warmer.
      10. I have never tried torta frita!
      11. Yes, I like guiso.
      12. In Mexico I love tacos. In the Dominican Republic I love the meat and beans. In Colombia I loved chicken with rice, and also a dish called bandeja paisa. In Peru I loved a dish called ají de gallina. In Brazil I liked their chicken with rice. In Chile I liked their meat sandwich. In Venezuela I love the arepas!
      13. My favorite restaurant in Buenos Aires is Burger Joint.
      14. In Mexico I had fruit and scrambled eggs for breakfast.
      15. For lunch in Peru I had soup and with meat.
      16. In Brazil for dinner I had chicken with rice.
      17. I don't have a favorite sport from Venezuela.
      18. The schools are quite different from here in Argentina, but we have so many different types of schools! Some are large and some are small. I went to a medium-sized school with a large campus with athletic fields.

    2. 19. I love alfajores!
      20. What I like the most about Argentina is living here on my own and being independent. I also love the people I have met.

  4. Belén:
    What´s your favorite restaurant in Argentina?
    What are your favorite restaurants......?
    What do you like about Argentina?

  5. 1) WHAT DO YOU DO ? 2) HOW OLD ARE YOU ? 3) DO YOU LIKE TERERE ? 4) What s your tele phone number ? VLADIMIR ACEVEDO 4 1 COMERCIAL

    1. Hi Vladimir! Thank you for your questions!

      1. I teach English and United States culture in Buenos Aires public schools.
      2. I am 23 years old.
      3. I have never tried terere!
      5. I have two telephone numbers: one from Argentina and one from the United States. ;)

  6. 1- Do you like Argentina?
    2- Do you have boyfriend?
    3- What's your favorite food in Argentina?

    Jazmin Vicari 4ta 1ra Comercial

    1. Hi Jazmin! Thank you for your questions!

      1. Yes, I love Argentina!
      2. Yes, I have a boyfriend.
      4. My favorite foods in Argentina are milanesa and asado.

  7. Jazmín,
    Very good!!!
    2. Do you have A boyfriend?

  8. 1_Do you like to play ice hockey?(Valentina Pruyas)
    2_Can you play ice hockey?(Valentina Pruyas)
    3_Have you got a car?(Sheila Castillo)
    4_Where are you from?(Sheila Castillo)
    5_Where will you live in Argentina?(Sofia Fabiola Gomez)
    6_Who did you live in Pennsylvania with?(Sofia Fabiola Gomez)
    7_Do you have a dog?(Belen Espinoza)
    8_Do you have in I phone?(Belen Espinoza)

    1. Valentina, Sheila, Sofía, Belén,
      Very good!!!
      8. Do you have an I-phone?

  9. 1. can you play volley?
    2. do you like hot dogs?
    3. do you like mate?
    4. do you like Argentina?
    5. do you like play basquetball?
    Dalma y Oriana

    1. Dalma and Oriana
      Very good!
      Do you like to play basketball? do you like playing....?

  10. Hello Brinley
    1- What's is your favorite song?
    2- What's is your favorite band?
    Acosta Garcia

  11. whats your favorite sport ? (jonathan)
    What do you think of Argentina? (Angel)
    will you come back? (Angel)
    what do you like the most about Argentina? (romina)

  12. 1- What is your opinion about drama movies? (emilio)
    2- Do you like animals? (emilio)
    3- Do you have a dog? (emilio)

    1- Do you like a coffie? (facundo)
    2- Do you like a soccer? (facundo)
    3- Do you have a cat? (facundo)

    1. Emilio and Facundo,
      Good job!!
      Do you like coffee? Do you like soccer?

  13. 1- What's your favorite food in Argentina?
    2- do you like bori bori ?
    3- Do you like pizza ?


  14. Hello ,Brinley
    Do you like Bananas?
    What's your favorite colour?
    did you eat asado?
    Do you like play football?
    Did you eat candy in Argentina?
    Did you go to the park last week?
    Will you miss Argentina?
    Do you have a dog?
    (Elizabeth Rojas,Brisa Acosta,Juan Pablo Lopez,Alan Pereira)

    1. Eli, Brisa, J. Pablo, Alan
      Good job!
      Do you like playING....?

  15. 1-Do you like empanadas ?
    2-Do you have a dog?
    3-can you play volleyball ?
    Quinteros Nancy 2º4º

  16. 1)what is your full name?
    2)How old are you?
    3)Do you have animals how many?
    4)Which country would you like to travel to?
    5)What is your favorite color?
    6)what is your favorite food?
    7)What is your favorite sport?
    8)What country did you travel to?
    9)What is your favorite song?
    (Micaela Vera)

    1. Micaela,
      Very good!
      Which countries did you travel to?

  17. Hello Brinley

    since when do you like to teach?
    when you was talking to us do you saw anyone like you?
    you travelled to so many places, wich place is your favorite?
    is true that in Pennsylvania are vampirs or its just a local tale?
    do you like the Texas Country Music?

    1. Florencia,
      Have you always liked teaching?
      You travelled to so many places. What´s your favorite place?
      Is it true.....there are vampires or it´s just ....?
      Do you like Texas....?

  18. Do you like Spanish?
    Do you speak Spanish well?
    have brothers?
    what is your favorite food?
    You love your father very much?
    what kind of music do you like?
    What is your favorite city?
    do you have a boyfriend?
    you are single?
    you love animals?
    Would you like to be a mother?
    What name would you put your son?

    Jorge 1 4

    1. Jorge,
      Very good!
      Have you got any brothers? Do you have any brothers?
      Do you love your father....?
      Are you single?
      Do you love animals?

  19. How did you learn spanish?
    How do high school students celebrate when they graderate?
    Do you like argentina?
    Do you practise any sport?
    Do you have an Argentinian document?

    1. Daisy, you did not include your name.

  20. 1-Have you ever travelled to Bolivia?
    2-What is Pittsburgh like?
    3-What do you think? Is spanish easier tan english?
    4-Will you travel to the USA or another country?
    5-Have you ever drik mate?
    6-Have you been to flores?

    Karen cabraL 5to 2da B

    1. Karen,
      Good job!
      Is Spanish easier THAN English?

  21. How do high school students celebrate web they graduate?
    Have you ever eaten Asado, Locro, empanadas, dulce de leche?
    How did you learn Spanish?
    Can you play Ice Hockey?
    What do you think of Argentiniam people?
    ALDANA AVALOS 5to 2da bch

  22. 1)is University difficulty?
    2)Do you like to travel a lot?
    3)Do you like animals?

    Pizarro Maximiliano 5° 2° Bachiller

  23. 1_Have you heard what happened with Samsung all phones?
    2_do you like Argentina?what do you like the most?
    3_do you practise any sport?
    4_what's American sociolity like?
    5_do you have on Argentinean document?

    Lara Vega 5to 2da bachiller

  24. Do you like Argentina?
    Where are you from?
    Are you curious?
    Can you swin?
    Where is Pennsylvania?
    Do you like play footbaall?
    You like animals?
    (Joel & Gonzalo)

    1. Joel and Gonzalo
      Do you like playing football?
      Do you like animals?

  25. Can you play football?
    What is favourite animal?
    Gonzalo Lopez 2°5

  26. Do you like tango ?
    Can you swin ?
    Are you happy ?
    Have yoi got e cat ?
    How old are you ?
    Ayellen 1'4'

  27. Ayellen,
    Very good!
    Have you got A cat?

  28. 1-what is your favourite sport?
    2-what is your favourite Food?
    3-have you got boyfriend?
    Rodrigo sartorio 2'5

    1. Rodrigo,
      Have you got A boyfriend? Do you have.......?

  29. Do you like Argentina?
    Where are you from?
    Are you curious?
    Can you swin?
    Where is Pennsylvania?
    Do you like play footbaall?
    You like animals?
    what is your favourite sport?
    what is your favourite Food?
    have you got boyfriend?
    Alan Pereira 2° 4°

    1. Alan,
      Good job!
      Do you like playING football?
      Do you like animals?
      Have you got A boyfriend? Do you have......?

  30. Can you dance?
    Do you like Music?
    What's your favorite Sport?
    Did you play voley?
    Will you go to the park?

  31. I am Silvero AyeLén 2'1'

  32. Ayelén,
    Very good!
    Did you play voLLey yesterday?

  33. What's your favorite day ?
    Can you play football?
    Have you cats?
    What's your favorite singer?
    Have you computer?
    Can you swiming?
    What's your favorite animals?
    Aylen 1'4

    1. Aylén,
      Have you got any cats?
      Who is your favortie singer?
      Have you got a computer?
      Can you swim?

  34. Did you play handball? (magali)
    what did you do yesterday? (jesica)

    Do you like dancing? (jesica)
    Do you play tennis? (magali)

    will you go to the shopping center? (jesica)
    will you go to the park? (magali)

  35. CARLA FALCON 4 1
    1- HOW OLD ARE YOU ?

  36. 'Did you play football yesterday?
    Do you like dance?
    Can play basketball?
    What is you favorite sport?
    Ledesma marcos 2°5

    1. Marcos,
      Do you like dancING?
      Can YOU play basketball?
      What´s youR.....?
