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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Frankestein!!! (1818-2018) 200 years!!!

Let´s read the story! (¡Leeamos la historia!)

The story goes way back to the year 1818.  Mary Shelley was in Italy at that time. One night, Mary Shelley had a particularly memorable dream, a horrifying dream, a real nightmare in which she had a vision of a terrible monster created by using body parts from different people. Mary later wrote that she awoke from the dream in the middle of the night, too scared to go back to sleep and she told herself: “What terrified me, will terrify others”. The next day, she sat down and started to write and in a matter of weeks she had finished the story of that monster. A monster assembled by a crazy doctor named Frankestein.  Frankestein, the book became a 19th century best seller and in the 20th century more than a hundred films were made based on Frankestein. And that is the story of the legendary monster that was born in a dream.

Now, there are different exercises. Choose one of these exercises and do it. (Hay cinco tipos de ejercicios. Elegí uno y hacelo)

1-Answer these questions, please.  (Contestá estas preguntas, por favor)
       Have you ever heard of Frankestein?
       Can you mention other monsters?
       Do you like terror movies?
       Do you remember any terror story?  Write it down, please.
       Who is Mary Shelley?
-      What´s the doctor´sname?
       What´s the monster´s name?
        How old is the monster?
       Why did Mary Shelley decide to write the novel?
       When did the book become a best seller?
        How many movies were made based on the novel?

2-Translate these sentences, please.(Traducí estas oraciones, por favor)

Si yo me acordara de un sueño de terror no lo escribiría, trataría de olvidarlo.
      Si vamos al cine podemos ver una comedia porque a mi no me gustan las películas de terror.  
      Yo que vos no miraría esa película. Es terrible.
S    Si Mary Shelley no hubiera escrito su sueño ella no habría sido famosa

3-True or False? Why? (¿Verdadero o Falso? ¿Por qué?) Fijate en el ejemplo. Tenés que justificar las oraciones de la misma manera. 
Example: Mary wrote the  story in 1918. False, because she wrote the story in 1818

1-      Mary wrote the story in the 20th century
2-      A lot of people created that horrible monster.
3-      She was taking a nap when she had that terrible dream.
4-      She couldn´t finish the story immediately.  It took her more than three months to finish it.
5-      The doctor who created the monster was called Frankestein.
    Add one false sentence and justify your answer, please.(Agregá una oración falsa y justificá tu respuesta, por favor)

4- Imagine you are a T.V reporter. Interview Mary Shelley. Ask her five questions, please. (Imagíná que sos periodista. Entrevistá a Mary Shelley. Hacele cinco preguntas, por favor.)

5- Write down five facts that have called your attention about the video about Frankestein (Escribí cinco hechos que te hayan llamado la atención sobre el video de Frankestein)


  1. 1) a) Yes, I have.
    b) Yes, I can. Godzilla, King Kong, Dracula, the invisible man, the mummy, the wolf man and the phantom of the opera.
    c) Yes, I do.
    d) Yes, I do. I remember the story of the invisible man. He was covered in bandages and he always wanted to be alone. He loved chemical experiments. He took advantage of his invisibility to harm people.
    e) Mary Shelley is the writer of Frankenstein.
    f) The doctor's name is Victor Frankenstein.
    g)The monster has no name in the novel. The monster calls himself "the Adam of your labors" and is referred to as "the creature", "the daemon" and "the wretch" at different points in the book.
    h) Frankenstein is 16 years old.
    i) She decided to write the novel because she told herself: “What terrified me, will terrify others”
    j) The book became a best seller in the 19th century.
    k) More than a hundred films were made based on the novel.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3.

  2. Alesio:
    Well done!!!!
    Is the monster 16 years old?

  3. Daila Giménez 2da 4°

    Yes, I saw a movie that came out of frankenstein.
    If I can, Dracúla, The Mummy, The Werewolf, It, Anabella and Chucky.
    If i like them.
    No none.
    Mary Shelley is the one who created the novel.
    The doctor's name is frankestein.
    The monster in the novel has no name, but is known as "the devil".
    The crazy doctor named frankenstein is 16 years old.
    The real reason Mary Shelley wrote frankenstein ...
    Before writing frankenstein,a play ended 18 years old,she had already lost her first daughter and a second abortion.Her mother,inclusive philosopher and feminism pioneer Mary Wollstonecraft,died after giving birth to Mary.
    The novel became a best seller in the 19th century.
    Over two hundred films were made based on the novel.

    1. Daila,
      B- Yes, I can ( Acordate que cuando uno afirma en inglés se dice: Yes. If significa si también pero cuando por ejemplo vos decís: Si tengo tiempo voy a leer la novela. )
      C- Yes, I like them
      D-Frankestein (capital letter- mayúscula)
      G- ...but he/ it is known.....
      H-Is Dr Frankestein 16 years old in Mary Shelley´s novel?

  4. 2-
    If I remembered a dream of terror I would not write it, I would try to forget it.

    If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies.

    I would not watch that movie. It's terrible.

    If Mary Shelley had not written her dream she would not have been famous

    Catalina quadro badia 2 3ra

  5. Catalina,
    I would not write it down
    If Mary Shelley had not written about her dream.......

  6. 2-
    A_ Si yo me acordara de un sueño de terror no lo escribiría, trataría de olvidarlo.

    A_ If I remembered a dream of terror, I wouldn't write it, I'd try to forget it.

    B_ Si vamos al cine podemos ver una comedia porque a mi no me gustan las películas de terror.

    B_ If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies.

    C_ Yo que vos no miraría esa película. Es terrible

    C_ I wouldn't watch that movie if I were you. It's terrible

    D_ Si Mary Shelley no hubiera escrito su sueño ella no habría sido famosa

    D_If Mary Shelley hadn't written her dream she wouldn't have been famous

    Juan Vera 4° 2°

  7. Juan,
    Very good!!!!
    A- .....I wouldn´t write it down
    D- If Mary Shelley hadn´t written down about her dream......

  8. 1- a) Yes
    b) Yes, Mike Wazowski, Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, Valak, Hulk and more.
    c) Yes, I like them
    d) Yes, I remember the story of an assassin named Freddy Krueger who kills his victims within his dreams.
    (It was inspired by a true story).
    e) Mary Shelley is the writer of Frankenstein's book.
    f) The doctor is called Victor Frankenstein.
    g) The monster is called Adan
    i) Mary Shelley decided to write the novel because she said to herself "What terrified me, will terrify others".
    j) The book became a best seller in the 19th and 20th centuries.
    k) More than one hundred films were made about this novel.

    Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc.

  9. Renzo,
    g) Where did you get this information from?
    j) just one century. Which one?

  10. Luna Massarotti 2°4

    Have you ever heard of Frankestein? yes many times.
    Can you mention other monsters? Dracula, the invisible man.
    Do you like horror films? Yes I love them
    Do you remember any horror stories?
    There is one that happened in the forests of Ezeiza, in the Don Bosco sports center. In the center of its forests many years ago there was a madhouse, one year that burned completely and no body was found, the people there disappeared and burned for unexplained reasons, it was never known what caused it ... Today the ruins, ashes of that asylum, were left in the middle of the forest and for years they remained there, it is said that if someone walks near these, they become paralyzed, and strange things happen to this same one, a place kilometers from the campsites. I know this since I am an Explorer and these stories are told, sometimes to scare the boys, but it does not take away the fact that they are real.

    Who is Mary Shelley? Who had the dream, and created this story.
    What's the doctor's name? Frankestein
    What's the name of the monster? Frankestein
    How old is the monster? 202 years
    Why did Mary Shelley decide to write the novel? It was a dream that terrified her and she decided to share it
    When did the book become a best seller? it started in the 19th century and in the 20th century it was released to the cinema
     How many movies were made based on the novel? Over a hundred

    1. Luna,
      the person who had the dream.....
      the monster had no name

  11. Frankenstein is a zombie, mae cleark
    Makes the fiancee, Throughout the film there is a strange atmosphere of mystery
    It is a very good movie
    Jimena Ruiz Díaz 2 3ra

  12. Jimena,
    ¿A qué ejercicio corresponde tu comentario?

    1. Jimena,
      Very good!
      Mae Clarke plays the role of Frankestein´s bride/ fianceè
      Frankestein is the doctor. The monster has no name.

  13. 2)
    a) Si yo me acordara de un sueño de terror no lo escribiría, trataría de olvidarlo
    a) If I remembered a dream of terror,.I wouldn´t write it down, I'd try to forget it.
    b) Si vamos al cine podemos ver una comedia porque a mi no me gustan las películas de terror
    b) If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies
    c) Yo que vos no miraría esa película.Es terrible
    c) I wouldn't watch that movie if I were you. It's terrible
    d) Si Mary Shelley no hubiera escrito su sueño ella no habría sido famosa
    d)If Mary Shelley hadn´t written down about her dream she wouldn't have been famous

    Ignacio Pontecorvo 2º 4ta liceo Nº 3

  14. Florencia Escobar 2°5
    a) yeah,listen frankenstein.
    b) werewolf,dracula,fredy krueger,the invisible man.
    c) yes,I love horror movies
    d) I did not appneal any.

    e) who is mary shelley? Mary Shelley is,who had the dream,and created the story.
    f) what is the name of the doctor? frankenstein
    g) what is the name od the monster? frankenstein
    h) how old is the moster? 200 years
    i) why did mary shelley decide to write the novel? for a dream he had
    j) when did the book become a bestseller? it strarted in the 19 th century.
    k) how many movies were made besed on the novel? over a hundred.

    2) if remembered a dream of terror,I would not write it,I would try to forget it.
    If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because. I don't like horror movies.
    I would not wacht thath movie. It's awful.
    If mary shelley hand't written her dream she wouldn't have beem famous

  15. Florencia,
    a) Yes, I have.
    b)...Freddy K (capital letter)
    d) No, I don´t remember any.
    Mary Shelley (capital letter)
    e) Mary S is the writer who had....
    g) the monster has no name.
    i) because she had a dream

    2) If I remembered a ...
    I would not watch that movie.

  16. 1- a) Yes
    b) Yes, Mike Wazowski, Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, Valak, Hulk and more.
    c) If I like them
    d) Yes, I remember the story of a murderer named Freddy Krueger who kills his victims within their dreams.
    (It was inspired by a true story).
    e) Mary Shelley is the writer of the Frankenstein book.
    f) The doctor's name is Victor Frankenstein.
    g) The monster in the novel has no name, but is known as "the devil"
    i) Mary Shelley decided to write the novel because she told herself "What terrifies me, terrifies others."
    j)) The book became a best seller in the 19th century.
    k) More than a hundred films were made about this novel.


  17. Sofía,
    c) Yes, I like them. (If significa si pero no cuando afirmás. Cuando afirmás se dice: Yes)
    e) ...Frankestein´s book
    g) ....he is known ....

  18. 1)
    a)Si escuche la historia.
    b)El monstruo del lago Ones, Pie grande, Anabellle.
    c)Si me gustan
    d)El extraño caso de Emily Rose poseída 6 demonios, entre ellos Lucifer
    e)Mary Shelley es la escritora de Frankenstein
    f)El doctor es Victor Frankenstein
    g)No tenia nombre
    h)Su edad era de 202 años
    i)Porque tuvo un sueño que la aterrorizo y decidio contarlo
    j)Se inicio en el siglo XIX y en el siglo XX se estreno en el cine
    k)Se realizaron mas de cien películas
    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  19. 1-
    Have you ever heard of Frankenstein?
    Can you mention other monsters?
    The Loch Ness monster, Dracula, among others.
    Do you like horror movies?
    Do you remember any horror stories? Write it below please.
    At the moment, no.
    Who is Mary Shelley?
    author of the Gothic novel Frankenstein.
    - What's the doctor's name?
    Dr. Henry Frankenstein
    What is the name of the monster?
    Frankenstein. How old is the monster?
    16 years.
    Why did Mary Shelley decide to write the novel?
    The real reason Mary Shelley wrote frankenstein ...
    Before writing Frankenstein, a play that she finished at age 18, she had already lost her first daughter and a second miscarriage. Her mother, inclusive philosopher and pioneer of feminism Mary Wollstonecraft, died after giving birth to Mary.
    When did the book become a bestseller?
    The novel became a best-seller in the 19th century.
    How many movies were made based on the novel?
    More than a hundred films were made about this novel.

    -If I remembered a horror dream, I would not write it down, I would
    try to forget it.
    -If we go to the cinema we can see a comedy because I don't like
    horror movies.
    -I would not watch that movie. It's awful.
    -If Mary Shelley hadn't written her dream she wouldn't have been famous.

    Nahuel Duarte 5ª 2da Sociales.

  20. 1- Yes.
    2- chucky, freddy krueger, la llorona
    3- if I like them
    4- I remember the story of La Llorona. La llorona was a woman who drowned her children and then committed suicide. They say that now she laments and looks for them saying "where are my children?"
    5- Mary Shelley is the writer of the Frankenstein book.
    6- The name of the doctor is Victor Frankenstein.
    7-The monster is called Adam
    8- he is 16 years old
    9- Mary Shelley decided to write the novel because she told herself "What terrifies others".
    10- The book became a bestseller in the 19th and 20th centuries.
    11-More than a hundred films were made about this novel.

    Sosa ayelen 5°2da sociales

  21. 2)
    If I remembered a horror dream, I would not write it down, I would try to forget it.
    If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies.
    I would not watch that movie. It's awful.
    If Mary Shelley hadn't written her dream she wouldn't have been famous.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  22. 1-
    a)Yes, I heard of Frankestein
    b)The lake's monster, Sullivan, Freddie Kruegger, Jason and Dr. Octopus
    c)Yes I love it
    d)I remember a urban story called "dogs lick too" It's about a girl who always left her hand hanging to sleep and her dog licked her and so she felt safe.
    And one day when the girl woke up, on the wall you could read in blood "Not only dogs lick", and her dog killed on the floor.
    e)Mary Shelley is the author of frankenstein
    f) Victor Frankenstein
    h)200 Years
    k)93 movies

    a)If I remembered a horror dream, I would't write it down, I would try to forget it.
    b)If we go to the cinema we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies.
    c)I would not watch that movie. It's awful.
    d)If Mary Shelley hadn't written her dream she wouldn't have been famous

    3-True or False? Why?

    1-Mary wrote the story in the 20th century.FALSE. SHE WROTE THE STORY IN 19 CENTURY
    2-A lot of people created that horrible monster. FALSE. JUST ONE PERSON
    3-She was taking a nap when she had that terrible dream. FALSE. SHE WAS SLEEPING
    4-She couldn´t finish the story immediately. It took her more than three months to finish it.TRUE. IT TOOKER 2 YEARS
    5-The doctor who created the monster was called Frankestein. TRUE. HIS NAME WAS VICTOR FRANKESTEIN
    Add one false sentence and justify your answer, please.

    4- What was your inspiration?
    Who would you dedicate your achievement to?
    Did you imagine that it would have this repercussion?
    How exactly was your dream?
    Do you plan to write more books? Would you like it?


  23. Actividad 2:
    Si yo me acordara de un sueño de terror no lo escribiría, trataría de olvidarlo.
    If we go to the movies we can see a comedy because I don't like horror movies.
    I would not watch that movie. It's awful
    If Mary Shelley hadn't written her dream she wouldn't have bien famous

  24. 1) a) Yes, I have.
    b) Yes, I can. Godzilla, King Kong, Dracula, the invisible man, the mummy, the wolf man and the phantom of the opera.
    c) Yes, I do.
    d) Yes, I do. I remember the story of the invisible man. He was covered in bandages and he always wanted to be alone. He loved chemical experiments. He took advantage of his invisibility to harm people.
    e) Mary Shelley is the writer of Frankenstein.
    f) The doctor's name is Victor Frankenstein.
    g)The monster has no name in the novel. The monster calls himself "the Adam of your labors" and is referred to as "the creature", "the daemon" and "the wretch" at different points in the book.
    h) Frankenstein is 15 years old.
    i) She decided to write the novel because she told herself: “What terrified me, will terrify others”
    j) The book became a best seller in the 19th century.
    Nicolas Barrientos de 2°4

  25. Have you ever heard of Frankestein? yes many times.
    Can you mention other monsters? Dracula, the invisible man.
    Do you like horror films? Yes I love them
    Do you remember any horror stories?
    There is one that happened in the forests of Ezeiza, in the Don Bosco sports center. In the center of its forests many years ago there was a madhouse, one year that burned completely and no body was found, the people there disappeared and burned for unexplained reasons, it was never known what caused it ... Today the ruins, ashes of that asylum, were left in the middle of the forest and for years they remained there, it is said that if someone walks near these, they become paralyzed, and strange things happen to this same one, a place kilometers from the campsites. I know this since I am an Explorer and these stories are told, sometimes to scare the boys, but it does not take away the fact that they are real.

    Who is Mary Shelley? The person who had the dream, and created this story.
    What's the doctor's name? Frankestein
    How old is the monster? 202 years
    Why did Mary Shelley decide to write the novel? It was a dream that terrified her and she decided to share it
    When did the book become a best seller? it started in the 19th century and in the 20th century it was released to the cinema
    How many movies were made based on the novel? Over a hundred

    Angela Gutierrez Torres 2°5
