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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Hey, Brother!!!
En este enlace está la letra de la canción. Si clickeás aquí la vas a ver y escuchar.

1- Answer these questions, please.

a- Do you believe in love? Why? Why not?
b- Do you believe in friendship? Why? Why not?
c- Do you believe that peace is possible? Why? Why not?
d- Do you believe that war can be stopped? Why? Why not?
e- Do you believe in God? Why? Why not?
f- Do you believe in supernatural things? Why? Why not?

2- Do you like this song?
3- Give your opinion about it.
a- I think  It is a nice song
b- I think It  is a sad song
c- In my opinion,  It is optimistic
d- In my opinion, It is pessimistic

4- What´s your favorite sentence / question in the song?


  1. 1-a)si creo por que cuando no tenes a alguien tus amigos te dan mucho amor
    2) si creo por que son como unos hermanos que te aconcejan y te dan una solucion
    3)si por que solo Dios me da paz.
    4)no por que si viene. De Dios no
    5)Si por que él es mi salvador y sin él no soy nada
    6)Si creo por que en las advercidades él me da paz que nadie me puede dar

    Creo que es una buena Cancion

    1. Very good! What´s your name? What´s your course?
      Por favor, escribí las respuestas en inglés.

    2. a- if I believe in love because I receive love from my friends and family.
      b-yes, I have friends who are like my brothers.
      c- I think so, but it depends on the people.
      d- yes, settling their differences and reaching an agreement.
      e- if I believe in God, he helps me in difficult moments.
      f- if I believe in supernatural things because there are videos and documentaries that confirm it
      2- I love the song
      3- in my opinion it is an optimistic song
      4- My favorite prayer is: Oh, if the sky is falling, there is nothing in this world
      that I wouldn't do for you.

      Sosa ayelen 5° 2da sociales

  2. A- If I believe in love, because love gives life, it helps us make better people.
    B- If I believe in friendship, because true friends listen to us and give us advice etc.
    C- I don't believe in peace because there are always people who like to annoy others.
    D- No, because he's always going to see problems with presidents or military chiefs from different countries.
    E- If I believe in God, because I believe in faith
    F- No, I don't think I saw any ghosts or whatever.
    2- This very good song, I find very quiet.
    My favorite sentence of the song is, "If the world comes at you, there is nothing in this life that I would not do."
    Joaquín Ottone 4-1 Eco. Liceo comecial N-3

    1. Joaquín,
      Very good!
      If = si pero no el sí de afirmación. Yes= si cuando afirmás algo. Usás IF cuando decís por ejemplo: Si tengo tiempo te voy a llamar. (If I have time I will call you)
      Yes, se utiliza para afirmar como opuesto de No, que se utiliza para negar.
      Por lo tanto, en tus respuestas, deberías haber utilizado: Yes, I believe......
      D) There will always be problems (siempre habrá problemas-Si utilizaste el traductor, posiblemente escribiste: siempre van a haber problemas y te lo tradujo como See de ver) El traductor es una ayuda pero debés estar alerta y chequear bien lo que dice como por ejemplo Yes and If.
      2- It IS a very good song. I find IT very quiet.
      If the sky comes falling down.....

  3. Alan leiva 2da 4

    1-a)I do believe that when you don't have someone your friends give you a lot of love
    1-b)I do believe because they advise you and give you solutions to problems
    1-c)I think not because there is no respect
    1-d)I think that if there are agreements between people, it can be stopped
    1-e)I believe in God
    1-d)if i believe in supernatural things
    2)I think It is a nice song

    1. Alan,
      Very good!!
      Si querés enfatizar/ remarcar la respuesta está bien que utilices el auxiliar. De lo contrario, simplemente tenés que decir: I believe....
      c) I don´t think so because.....
      d) Yes, I believe in.......(Fijate la explicación que di en el posteo anterior en relación a If and Yes. )

  4. a-Yes,because I receive and I give love
    b-Yes,because I have friends
    c-Yes,but only in some people
    d-Yes,because an agreement can be reached
    e-Yes,because believing in him gives me hope in achieving something that is not easy to achieve
    f-Yes,because there are documentaries that affirm it
    2-I like the song

    (Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc,Liceo n3)

  5. Renzo,
    ....hope of achieving something......
    4- What´s your favorite sentence / question in the song?

  6. 1) a) Yes, I do. Because it's something that every human being feels.
    b) Yes, I do. Because I have friends.
    c) Yes, I do. Because it's what everybody wants.
    d)Yes, I do. Because humans can reach a solution by talking.
    e) Yes, I do. Because he guides and protects me.
    f) Yes, I do. Because one day the light in my room turned off by itself.

    2) Yes, I do.
    3) I think it is a nice song.
    4) My favorite sentence in the song is "If the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do"

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3

  7. Alesio,
    e)....he guides me and protects me

    a)Yes, I believe in love because they are things that one feels even if they are not seen
    b)Yes,I believe in friendship because there will always be someone who gives you their trust.
    c)If we all cooperate it may be possible because there are more good people than bad.
    d) Yes, I believe, but it is very difficult for me to comply because there will always be someone who wants to attack.
    e)Yes and at the same time I do not believe, because whenever someone is ill, most of them speak to him, but at the same time I think that it is a simple belief like that of the Jews, Buddhas, etc.
    f)I do believe in that, because I have friends, family and acquaintances who had supernatural things happen to them, I saw videos and listened to many anecdotes.

    2)Yes, I like.

    a)I think It is a nice song.

    4)You believe in love? If the world is coming upon you there is nothing in this life that I would not do.

    1. Brisa,
      Very good!!!!
      c)...than bad people
      d) Yes, I believe so but it is very difficult for me to think it can be possible .....
      2) Yes, I like it. Yes, I do
      4) Do you believe in love?....

  9. 1)
    A- Do you believe in love? Why? Why not?
    Yes i believe in love, because it moves people

    b- Do you believe in friendship? Why? Why not?

    Yes, I do believe in friendship because it is something beautiful that complements and endows you
    c- Do you believe that peace is possible? Why? Why not?

    It depends on what one takes as "peace" if we speak of a place without wars I doubt it, the world is already very destroyed by places that only matter if their own good

    d- Do you believe that war can be stopped? Why? Why not?

    Like I said before, I don't think, not for me, because the truth is good for heartless people, while other people suffer
    e- Do you believe in God? Why? Why not?

    I do not believe in God as they present it in religions, but rather as a universal force that we do not have the power to understand, that is, I am an agnostic

    f- Do you believe in supernatural things? Why? Why not?

    Yes, I think that supernatural things happen, we are energy and to think that there are no other energy entities is to limit ourselves
    It is a very nice song
    In my opinion,  It is optimistic
    4) Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you
    There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

    Catalina quadro badia 2 3ra

    1. Catalina,
      Very good!
      b)....endows you with......(endow= dotar)
      c)..... And in those places the only thing that matters is related to their own good and not everybody´s welfare.
      d) As I have said before, I don´t think so

  10. Daila Giménez 2da 4° Liceo N°3

    A.Yes because love gives you happiness and peace, love gives life.
    B.If I believe because friendship is something great, it is the people you love and the ones who support you in all.
    C.If I believe because peace gives you relaxation, it is something you can enjoy with friends, couples, ect.
    D.If it can be because only people or countries have to agree that there is no more war.
    E.Yes, because God gave you a life, God took care that we are not all the same.
    F.Yes, because I happen to be nobody and you hear noises or have the kitchen light on and suddenly it turns off by itself.
    2.the song is good.

    1. Daila,
      Very good!!!
      B,C,D- Fijate en actividades anteriores donde te explico la diferencia entre if and yes. Cuando contestás, afirmás siempre tenés que usar "Yes"
      C- .....etc
      F- because, sometimes there is nobody....


  11. a-Yes i believe in love.It is what moves this world. If I didn't believe in love there wouldn't be much point in all this
    b-yes i believe in friendship. I think that friendship is determined by the degree of trust that I have for the other person; a friend can be trusted and we can see that he or she also trusts us
    c-yes i believe in peace.I don't have a why
    d-I do not know it depends
    e-I believe in God.I believe in God because that's how I was raised
    f-Yes I believe.because I already experience something like this

    a-yes, she is cute
    b-yes, it depends on the person
    2- yes,very good

    Juan vera 4° 2°

  12. Juan,
    Very good!
    I (capital letter)
    f- ...I have already experienced something like this.

    a- b ?
    3- 4 ???

  13. Luna Massarotti. 2°4
    I do believe in love, anyone can feel it, towards someone.
    Nowadays friendships are rare, but friendship, after all, exists, and it is found everywhere.
    The world is a very crazy place, there is peace, but it is not global.
    All our civilization is a war, over the years people change, young people are the future, that the war is not in this moment does not mean that it does not exist.
    I believe and at the same time not, in God, there is no existing reason.
    I like the scope of the supernatural, strange things, for example: Area 51

    For some reason I couldn't see the video

  14. Rafael gutierrez 2°5

    1a) si creo por que cuando no tenes a alguien tus familiares te dan mucho amor
    2 ) si creo porque hijo como unos hermanos que te acuerdas y te dan una solucion
    3 ) si por solo dios me da paz
    4 ) no por que si dios no
    5 ) si
    Creo que es mi Salvador y sin el no soy nada
    6 )si creo por que en las adversidades el me da paz y amor que nadie me puede dar

  15. Rafael,
    Good! Por favor, escribí lo mismo pero en inglés.

  16. 1_ a) Yes, I believe in love. Because it is a feeling that everyone can feel.
    b) Yes, I believe in friendship. Because they are people who support you in what you decide.
    c) Yes, I believe in peace. Because at some point a little peace is necessary.
    d) Yes, I think the gerra can be stopped. Because people can reach a solution by talking.
    e) Yes, I believe in God. Because it guides and protects me in what I want to do.
    f) Yes, I believe in supernatural things. Because one day I saw a person standing at the foot of my bed and I saw my eyes and he was gone.

    2_Yes, I like it.
    3_I think It is a nice song.
    4_My favorite phrase from the song is "Oh, if the sky is falling, there is nothing in this world that I would not do for you."

    Sofia Agüero 5º 2º Soc. Liceo Nº3 D.E.5

    1. Sofía,
      Very good!
      b) ....there are people.....
      d) ...that war can be stopped.

  17. Ignacio Pontecorvo. 2º4ta. liceo3
    A)Yes i believe in love.because love is felt in the people closest to you although you do not see yourself
    B)Yes, I believe in friendship.because they are friends who support you in good times and bad.
    C)i don't believe in peace.because there are always going to be bad people bothering
    D)not because there will always be problems between presidents or superiors
    E)I do not believe in God.because I don't believe in any of that
    F)I don't believe because nothing supernatural ever happened to me
    2)my opinion is that the song is good

    1. Ignacio,
      Very good!
      A) I (capital letter)....although you don´t see it yourself.
      B)...your friends support you ....and bad times.
      C) I (capital letter)
      D) No, ....

  18. 1)Yes if i believe in love because love changes people as long as it is healthy
    2)If I believe because there are people who support in difficult times
    3)Not because they are all selfish
    4)Not because the states will always have a different thought or by territories
    5)Not because it is incomprehensible to the human race and it is thousands of light years away.
    6)Yes, because I see things at dawn
    2-No i dont like the song
    3-in my opinion, It is pessimistic

  19. What´s your name? Course?
    1) I (capital letter)
    2) Yes se utiliza para afirmar. If se utiliza como un nexo para expresar una oración que depende de otra. Si llueve no voy a ir ( If it rains I will not go)
    Will you go? ¿Vas a ir? Yes, I will (Si voy a ir) No, I will not (No, no voy a ir)
    3)4) No, ....
    2) I (capital letter)

  20. a) Yes, I believe. Because it's just how I feel towards certain people, and as the song says, there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do

    b)Yes, I believe. Because there are people with whom I have that bond and they showed me that friendship exists.

    c)Yes, I believe, but it is not easy.

    d)Yes, I believe. Because people can always find the solution to everything

    e)Yes, I believe. Because it is a faith that has been instilled in me

    f)Yes, I believe. Because I have witnessed supernatural events that have led me to believe

    2)I like the song, it's catchy

    3) I think It is a nice song

    4)My favorite sentence in the song is "There is nothing in this world that I would not do"

    Nurianly Rojas 5º 2º SOC.HUM Liceo Nº3

  21. Nurianly,
    I believe so.
    Yes, I do

  22. Florencia escobar 2°5
    a) If i believe un love,beucause they ate things that some feel,Even if they are not seen.
    b) I believe in friendship,beucause I have Friends who give me that reason
    c) yes,it may be that peace is posible,it depends on the person.
    d) yes,You can stop the dar,fixing or talking about things.
    e) yes,i believe in god,because he protects me,I have faith and more things.
    f) Ir i believe in things about natural things,I hace seen videos and they have told me.
    2) beautiful song
    3) I think it's a Nice song
    4) there is nothing this life that I would do

  23. Florencia,
    a) Yes, I believe in love because you can feel it. (If significa si pero como el nexo de una oración no se usa para afirmar) Cuando decís por ejemplo: si necesitas ayuda llamame- en ese caso se usa If. pero para afirmar se usa YES.

    I (capital letter- mayúscula)
    f) I have seen....

  24. 1)a)Si creo porque lo siento.
    b)Si, porque tengo amigos.
    c)Si es posible, solo uno sabe donde encontrarla.
    d)Si, buscan una solución sin violencia y llegando a un acuerdo.
    e)Si creo en Dios porque me da fe y esperanza.
    f)Si creo por los documentales
    2)Si me gusta la canción.
    3)Me transmite paz
    4)Mi oración favorita es: “Si el mundo viene hacia ti, no hay nada en esta vida que yo no haría”
    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  25. 1-
    a) Yes, I think. Because it's what I feel for certain people.

    b) Yes, I think. Because there are people with whom I have that bond.

    c) Yes, I think, but it is not easy.

    d) Yes, I think, but we would have to agree and that does not happen.

    e) It is something that some people are instilled in before they can even understand what it is.

    f) Yes, I think that may be possible.

    In my opinion, It is optimistic

    "Oh! if the sky comes at dawn, for you. There is nothing in this world that I would not do..."

    Duarte Nahuel, 5ª 2da. Sociales.

  26. 1 If I believe in love because it is something beautiful that happens to almost everyone in life
    2 if I believe in friendship because I would not like to be without friends all my life I want someone to have me a moment of my life of happiness
    3 I don't believe in peace because very bad things always happen around the world almost every day of the year and that's why there is no peace nobody does anything about it
    4 if the war I would like to stop it because there are not so many people who die every day that they go to war and die and very few survive
    5 if I believe in God because, first of all, my grandfather is a pastor and during all these years I have a lot of respect for the Lord, he stands very important in my life
    6 I do not believe because it seems stupid to me about things that move alone or hear voices I do not believe those nonsense
    2 the option a very good song
    4 mine would be hey brother I love that part

  27. 1 If I believe in love because it is something beautiful that happens to almost everyone in life
    2 if I believe in friendship because I would not like to be without friends all my life I want someone to have me a moment of my life of happiness
    3 I don't believe in peace because very bad things always happen around the world almost every day of the year and that's why there is no peace nobody does anything about it
    4 if the war I would like to stop it because there are not so many people who die every day that they go to war and die and very few survive
    5 if I believe in God because, first of all, my grandfather is a pastor and during all these years I have a lot of respect for the Lord, he stands very important in my life
    6 I do not believe because it seems stupid to me about things that move alone or hear voices I do not believe those nonsense
    2 the option a very good song
    4 mine would be hey brother I love that part

  28. If I believe in love, because that is what my loved ones give me every day
    I believe in friendship, because I think that the people I make friends are for a reason and that reason is not to leave me alone and always listen to me
    If I believe that peace is possible through meditation
    I believe if the war can be stopped if both parties reach an agreement
    If I believe in God since I go to church since I was little
    I believe in supernatural things because I had several episodes with supernatural things

    Yes, I liked the song since it is similar to the genre of music that I listened to

    my opinion about the song is that it is cute and very expressive

    The prayer that I like is when she tells her sister that if the world comes to her there is nothing in this life that she would not do
    Mieres Melina 2°5

  29. a- Yes I believe in love because I feel and other people feel to me
    b- Yes because I have friends
    c- I believe that no is possible because in the world exist different wars all the time
    d- No, because certain people don´t has conscience about this
    e- No because I dont have reasons to believe
    f- No too because I dont have reasons to believe

    2- No because I don't like electronic music but the letter is good
    3- I think it is a nice song but is too sentimental
    4- My favorite sentence is when he says That are an endless road to rediscover

    Nieva 5°2° soc y hum

  30. 1)
    A) I do believe in love because I receive and give love to my family and friends.
    B) I do believe in friendship because I have many friends
    C) I do believe that peace is possible if we all make this happen.
    D) I do believe that the war can be stopped if we all do something about it.
    E) I do believe in God because he protects us and makes us better people.
    F) I do believe in supernatural things because it happened to me.
    2) I really like this song
    3) In my opinion, It is optimistic.
    4) there is nothing this life that I would do.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  31. a)I don't believe in love, because I don't like to fall in love
    b)If I believe in friendships because when I'm sad my friend is always there to make me smile
    c)I think not and because nobody has peace
    d)I think not because some countries want to be the best
    e)if i believe in god because he is my savior
    f)I do believe in natural things, why yes
    2)yes I liked the song
    3)The music is good and the images that are in the video
    4)I don't have a favorite prayer

    Nicolas Barrientos de 2°4

  32. 1)a-Yes, i do, because love makes us better people and teaches us to empathize with other people.
    b-Yes, i do because friendship teach me many things.
    c-Yes, i believe because war and intolerance do not build anything.
    d-Yes, because i believe that humanity can reach a peace agreement.
    e-No i dont, i'm atheist.
    f-Yes i do, i believe in aliens and that there is life beyond the earth.

    2) Yes i like it because it makes me feel hopeful.
    3)I think its a nice song
    4) "there's an endless road to re-discover"

    Enzo Arena
    5° 2°

  33. a) Yes, I believe. It's just how I feel towards certain people, and as the song says, there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do

    b)Yes, I believe. There are people with whom I have that bond and they showed me that friendship exists.

    c)Yes, I believe, but it is not easy.

    d)Yes, I believe. People can always find the solution to everything

    e)Yes, I believe because it is a faith that has been instilled in me

    f)Yes, I believe. Because I have witnessed supernatural events that have led me to believe

    2)I like the song, it's catchy

    3) I think It is a nice song

    4)My favorite sentence in the song is "There is nothing in this world that I would not do"

    Angela Gutierrez Torres 2° 5
