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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Why do we touch our faces? ¿Por qué nos tocamos la cara?

1- Check this link. Watch the video, please. (Clickéa y mirá el video)
2- After watching the video, try to write down a summary.(Después de mirar el video, tratá de escribir un resumen de lo más importante)

WHEN YOU  WRITE A SUMMARY YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND : (Para escribir un resumen tenés que tener en cuenta estas expresiones. El audio es acerca de o la persona habla de......
Primero, menciona que.../ describe/ explica......
Luego, agrega que......Dice que.....Finalmente, concluye que..)

The listening is about / or the speaker talks about ( NOT THE listening talks about)
First the speaker mentions/describes/ explains/
Then he/she adds that…..
He/she also says that…………….
Finally he/she concludes that………………………………..

You can also use comment/ talk about/give examples of/remark/

This article is about…../the writer explains/refers to/describes etc (Si tuvieras que escribir el resumen de un artículo el formato es similar)

Remember to link ideas. Here is a list of connectors and some examples:(Aquí hay ejemplos de conectores que se podrían usar)

¿Qué preguntas le harías a la mujer si pudieras hablar con ella?


  1. This article is about the reason why the humans touch their faces and how to stop it. First, the psychologist Natasha Tiwari explains why we touch our faces. It's because we can't help it, it's part of our DNA. She knows this because humans as young as foetuses in utero touch their faces. Then she adds that what we're really doing when we touch our faces is calming ourselves down. As a result of touching certain areas of our faces, we're activating certain pressure points which then activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is the thing that makes us calm ourselves down internally. She also says that we see the same response in dogs and cats. Then Triwari comments that children often model the same behaviour as their parents.
    Finally she concludes that whilst it's almost impossible to totally stop touching our faces, a key way that we can go about making it easier would be to take out the habits which lead us to do it. For example, wearing less make-up so you don't have to top it up throughout the day.

    If I could talk to her I would ask her why my mood changes so much in this quarantine.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3.

  2. This article is about why we touch our faces and what to do to stop it.
    First, Natasha Tiwari (psychologist) explains the Why do we touch our faces? It is because it is part of our DNA and we cannot avoid it. Then he adds that when we do this it is actually to calm us down. He also says that we see this action in dogs and cats.
    Finally, she concludes that the easiest way to stop touching our faces would be to eliminate the habits that lead us to do so.
    -I don't know what questions I would ask him.

    Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc.

  3. Renzo,
    Very good!!
    First, Natasha...explains why we touch our faces.
    ...I would ask her

  4. Mrs. Natasha Tiwari (psychologist) explains why we touch our faces. It gives us advice to stop touching the face but wishes that we do it subconsciously to calm you down by activating certain pressure points. It is because it is part of our DNA and we cannot avoid it.
    Finally, she concludes that the easiest way to stop touching our faces would be to eliminate the habits that lead us to do so.

    Sofia Agüero 5º 2º Soc. Liceo Nº3

    1. Sofía.
      Very good!
      She gives us some advice to ....our faces..(but) she wishes...because subconsciously we do that to calm ourselves down

  5. This article is about the reason why the humans touch their faces and how to stop it. First, the psychologist Natasha Tiwari explains why we touch our faces. It's because we can't help it, it's part of our DNA. Then she adds that when we do this it is actually to calm us down. She also says that we see the same response in dogs and cats. Finally, she concludes that the easiest way to stop touching our faces would be to eliminate the habits that lead us to do so, such as changing contact lenses for glasses.

    -If I could ask you a question, it would be: How can we prevent quarantine from affecting us?

    Nurianly Rojas 5º 2º SOC. HUM Liceo Nº 3

  6. The article talks about the reason why humans touch their faces and how to stop it. Mrs. Natasha Tiwari (Psychologist), explains why we touch our faces. It is because it is part of our DNA and we cannot avoid it. When we do this it is to calm us down.
    Finally, he concludes that the easiest way to stop touching our face is to eliminate the habits that lead us to do so.

    I can't think of anything to ask you

    Ayelen Sosa 5°2° Sociales

  7. Ayelén,
    Natasha talks about......Finally, she concludes.... ask her

    1. Natasha talks about: the reason why humans touch their faces Finally, she concludes that the easiest way to stop touching our faces would be to eliminate the habits that lead us to do it.
      to ask what to do to stay active in quarantine?

  8. Este articulo trata sobre porque son tocamos la cara, la Sra Natasha Tiwari(psicóloga) nos explica que ya es parte de nuestro ADN y no podemos evitarlo, luego agrega que cuando hacemos esto, en realidad es para calmarnos. Finalmente concluye que la forma mas fácil de dejar de tocarnos la cara seria eliminar los habititos que nos llevan a hacerlo.
    Le preguntaría ¿Cómo tratar de no tener bajo animo en la cuarentena?

    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  9. First he explains that it is worrying that in these times of crisis we are all touching each other's faces, then he adds that if babies observe that their parents touch their faces when they get excited, they will also do it. Finally she concludes that it is impossible not to touch our mouths, noses and eyes.
    Nahuel Duarte 5 to 2 da Sociales.

  10. Psychologist Natasha Tiwari talks about the habit we have of touching our faces and how we try to avoid it.
    Natasha explains how difficult it is to stop touching our faces as we do it to calm ourselves internally. She says the same thing happens with dogs, cats and children who model the same behavior as their parents. She also says that the unconscious mind promt us to bring our hands to the face.
    finally, the psychologist tells us how to avoid touching our faces with these tactics: wearing glasses instead of contact lenses, wearing less makeup, crossing our hands.

    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  11. The article talks about how difficult it is to break the habit of touching our faces.
    Psychology recommends some tips on how to prevent this bad habit by crossing your hands, not wearing makeup, wearing glasses instead of contact lenses.
    I would ask more ways to prevent bad habits.
    AmAYA Miqueas 5to.

  12. The articule is about the habits and the difficults for break the habits. In specific the habit to touch the face, the pshicology recommends tips to avoid this.
    NIEVA 5° 2° SOC

  13. El artículo trata sobre la razón por la que los humanos se tocan la cara y cómo detenerlo.

    Primero, la psicóloga Natasha Tiwari explica por qué nos tocamos la cara.

    Es porque no podemos evitarlo, es parte de nuestro ADN.

    Ella sabe porque los humanos tan jóvenes como los fetos en el útero se tocan la cara.

    Luego agrega que lo que realmente estamos haciendo cuando nos tocamos la cara es calmarnos.

    Como resultado de tocar ciertas áreas de nuestro rostro, estamos activando ciertos puntos de presión que luego activan el sistema nervioso parasimpático que es lo que nos hace calmarnos internamente.

    También dice que vemos la misma respuesta en perros y gatos. Luego, Triwari comenta que los niños suelen modelar el mismo comportamiento que sus padres.

    Finalmente, concluye que, si bien es casi imposible dejar de tocarnos la cara por completo, una forma clave de hacerlo más fácil sería eliminar los hábitos que nos llevan a hacerlo.

    Por ejemplo, usar menos maquillaje para no tener que reponerlo durante el día.

    Por último Le preguntaría ¿Cómo tratar de no tener bajo animo en la cuarentena?

    Francisco Tempone 5°2 SOC

  14. As a consequence of the coronavirus, the whole world has changed many habits of daily life. Dr. Natasha Tiwari is a psychologist and talks about why avoiding touching our faces is a really hard behavior to stop. First, she explains that reason is based on our DNA. Humans do this even when they are fetuses. We touch our faces to express emotions. She adds that many times when we touch our face we touch certain areas that calm us and it is for these reasons that it is so difficult to stop it. Finally, the doctor suggests some tips to avoid it, such as wearing glasses instead of contact lenses or crossing your hands while we speak to try to avoid it.
    I would like to ask you what are the psychological consequences of confinement in society.

    Enzo Arena
    5° 2°
