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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Take care! Wash your hands!!!!!

Hi, students!

1-Watch this video and listen to the song.(Mirá el video y escuchá la canción)

2- Match these two lists
a- If I touch                                            a- gloves
b- I have to wash my                              b-  sneeze next to me
c- Don´t                                                   c- something
d- I need latex                                         d- hands

3- How do you English? Write some examples, please!  You can use the same examples that appear in the video. or invent others!
3- ¿Cómo se dice........en inglés? Tenés que traducir las palabras que están ahí. . Luego dice: escribí algunos ejemplos, por favor. Podés usar los mismos ejemplos que aparecen en el video o inventar otros. 

b- guantes
c- estornudar
d- manos
e- tocar

4- What´s your opinion about this video?
a- I think,  It is original,
b- In my opinion, it is fantastic
c- I like it!
d- To me, it is very good!
e- I think, it is good
f- IIn my opinion, it is horrible
g- I think, it is not original
h, To me, it is not very good!
i- I don´t like it!
j- It is terrible!

5- Can you invent a similar song with another melody? (¿Podés inventar una canción similar con otra melodía?)


  1. Si toco algo tengo que lavar mis manos.
    Tengo que toser en él pliegue del codo.
    Tengo que ponerme guantes de lateral.

    Lavarse las manos todo el tiempo
    No estornudar en la cara de alguien
    Usar guantes y barbijo.

    Me gusta él video

    Yo creo que no

  2. What´s your name? What about your course?
    Please, write down the exercises in English.

  3. Alan Leiva 2da 4
    If I touch something I have to wash my hands.
    I have to cough into the crease of his elbow.
    I have to put on side gloves.

    Wash your hands all the time
    Don't sneeze in someone's face
    Wear gloves and a chinstrap.

    I like the video

  4. Alan,
    Good! (Fijate en los ejercicios 1,2,3,4,5 por favor) (Vos escribiste en inglés lo que estaba escrito en español)
    barbijo= face mask

  5. 2) If I touch something I have to wash my hands
    Don´t sneeze next to me watch where those droplets land
    I even want my latex gloves sanitized
    3) Lavar - Wash
    Guantes - Gloves
    Estornudar - Sneeze
    Manos - Hands
    Tocar - Touch

    - Wash hands for 20 seconds
    - Cover up when sneezing
    - Don´t touch your face
    - Wear gloves

    4) C- I like it

    5) I do not think so

    (Renzo Arbildo 5°2 Soc,Liceo n3)

  6. Renzo,
    Wash your hands....

  7. Macarena miltos 1°5
    2-if i touch gloves,i have a to wash my hands,dont nex to me sneeze,i need latex something
    3-lavar:to wash
    Ejemplos:i gotta wash my hands
    Dont sneeze,next to me
    4-to me,it is very good
    5-i do not thik so

  8. Macarena:
    Good work!!!
    2- If I touch something, I have to wash my hands, Don´t sneeze next to me, I need latex gloves.
    I do not thiNk so

  9. 2) If I touch something
    I have to wash my hands
    Don't sneeze next to me
    I need latex gloves
    3) a) Lavar: wash. Example: I have to wash my shirt.
    b) Guantes: gloves. Example: My favorite gloves are yellow.
    c) Estornudar: sneeze. Example: I sneeze all the time.
    d) Manos: hands. Example: You should wash your hands to stay healthy.
    e) Tocar: touch. Example: Don't touch me.
    4) I like it!
    5) No, I can't.

    Alesio Spicoli, 5to 2da Sociales, Liceo 3.


    2)If I touch gloves, I have to wash my hands, not sneeze next to me, I need some latex.

    a)we have to wash everything we touch.
    b)gloves are very important because they prevent the spread of anything.
    c)when it comes time to sneeze you should always cover yourself, more preferably with the part of the forearm.
    d)hands are the thing to clean the most.
    e)we have to avoid touching everything that is not necessary.

    a)I think, It is original.

    5)no, i can't.

  11. Brisa,
    Very good!!!
    2) If I touch something I have to wash my hands Don´t sneeze next to me- I need latex gloves
    I (capital letter- mayúscula)

  12. Hi, I'm Catalina Quadro 2.3ra
    2)The letters in parentheses are where the words on the left are specified
    a- If I touch (c)    a- gloves

    b- I have to wash my (d) b-sneeze next to me

    c- Don´t     (b)   c- something

    d- I need latex (a) d-hands

    a- lavar
    b- guantes
    c- estornudar
    d- manos
    e- tocar

    It is very important that we all wash our hands
    2) we have to sneeze in the elbow crease

    4) To me, it is very good!

    5) no, I can't do it :(

    1. Catalina,
      1) IT is very important........
      2- ....snezze into our elbow

  13. Emma Janssen 2·4

    2_ A-C: If a touch something, i must wash my hands.
    B-D: I have to wash my hands.
    C-B: Don't sneeze next to me.
    D-A: I need latex gloves.

    3_ A)Lavar-whish/ I whish my hands all today
    B)Guantes-gloves/ WE need gloves to protect our hands
    C)Estornudar-sneeze/ i must sneeze into my elbow
    D)Manos-hands/ i must not touch anything dirty whith my hands
    E)tocar-touch/ i dont must touch things dirty

    4_ I think, it is original

    5_ I don't believe it, I sorry.

    1. Emma,
      Very good!!
      3- A- wash. I wash my hands every day
      C- .........with my hands
      E- We must not touch dirty things. We don´t have to touch dirty things.
      5- .....I´m sorry


  14. 2- If I touch something I have to wash my hands Don't
    sneeze next to me, look where those drops land I
    even want to disinfect my latex gloves

    3- Lavar - Wash
    Guantes - Gloves
    Estornudar - Sneeze
    Manos - Hands
    Tocar - Touch

    - Cover yourself by sneezing
    - Don't touch your face
    - Wear gloves
    - call if you have symptoms
    -Clean and disinfect

    4- In my opinion, it is fantastic


    Juan vera 4° 2°

  15. Juan,
    Very good!!!!!
    Cover up when you sneeze or cough.

  16. Luna Massarotti 2°4

    If I touch something, I have to wash my hands after I have done it.
    Sneeze into the crease of the elbow
    Wear latex gloves if possible and disinfect them when you finish using them.
    - Wash hands for 20 seconds or more.
    - Cover up when you sneeze
    - don't touch your face
    - Wear gloves

    4) C- I like it

    5) I don't think I can do it

  17. Luna,
    Very good!
    sneeze into your elbow
    ...wearing them.

  18. Alan Leiva

    2) If I touch something
    I have to wash my hands
    Don't sneeze next to me
    I need latex gloves
    3) a) Lavar: wash. Example: I have to wash my jacket.
    b) Guantes: gloves. Example: My favorite gloves are black.
    c) Estornudar: sneeze. Example: I sneeze all the time.
    d) Manos: hands. Example: You should wash your hands to stay healthy.
    e) Tocar: touch. Example: Don't touch me.
    4) I like it!
    5)no I can not

  19. Ignacio Pontecorvo. 2º4ta. liceo3
    2) If I touch something I have to wash my hands.
    I have to cough into the crease of his elbow.
    I have to put on side gloves.
    3) Lavar = Wash
    Guantes = Gloves
    Estornudar = Sneeze
    Manos = Hands
    Tocar = Touch
    4) I like it
    5)no, I can't do it

  20. Ignacio,
    Very good!
    Look: elbow
    ...latex gloves

  21. 2)If I touch something I have to wash my hands Don't
    sneeze next to me, look where those drops land I
    even want to disinfect my latex gloves.
    3) Lavar - Wash
    Guantes - Gloves
    Estornudar - Sneeze
    Manos - Hands
    Tocar - Touch
    Cover yourself by sneezing
    - Don't touch your face
    - Wear gloves
    - call if you have symptoms
    -Clean and disinfect

    4) C- I like it

    5) No

    Sofia Agüero 5º 2º Soc. Liceo nº3

  22. Match these two lists
    How do you English? Write some examples, please! You can use the same examples that appear in the video. or invent others!
    Lavar = Wash
    Guantes = Gloves
    Estornudar = Sneeze
    Manos = Hands
    Tocar = Touch
    4- What´s your opinion about this video?
    I don´t like it!

    2) If I touch something I have to wash my hands
    Don't sneeze next to me,look where those drops land
    I even want to disinfect my latex gloves.

    3)a-lavar= wash
    b- guantes= gloves
    c- estornudar= sneeze
    d- manos= hands
    e- tocar=touch

    4) I think it is good, but bored

    1. Camila,
      4)...but boring.
      I´m bored (estoy aburrida)
      I´m boring (soy aburrida)
      It is boring (es aburrida)
      Verb "to be" ser o estar.
      bored and boring significa aburrido/a
      bored se usa con el significado de estar.
      boring se usa con el significado de ser.

  24. 2)If I touch something. I have to wash my handsDon't sneeze next to me. I need latex gloves

    3) a) Lavar: wash. Example: I have to wash my hands.
    b) Guantes: gloves. Example: my gloves protect me.
    c)Estornudar: sneeze. Example: I sneeze into my elbow.
    d) Manos: hands. Example: I have to wash my hands.
    e) Tocar: touch. Example: I don't have to touch people

    4)I think, It is original

    5) No, I can't

  25. 2)Si toco algo tengo que lavarme las manos, no estornudar a mi lado, necesito guantes de latex
    Lavarse las manos todo el tiempo
    No toque su cara
    Cubrase al estornudar
    4)Me gusta
    5)No lo creo
    Lucas Ramirez 5to 2da

  26. 2- If i touch something
    I have to wash my hands
    Don`t sneeze next to me
    I need latex gloves

    3-Wash: When I come from to the sreet, I wash my hands.
    Gloves: Gloves are used to clean.
    Sneeze: To avoid spreading germs sneeze in to the crook of the
    Hands: Avoid letting your hands touch your face.
    Touch: You can no langer touch anyone in a public envairoment, you
    have to keep to distance.

    4- I don`t like it!

    5- no, I can not.

    Nahuel Duarte 5ª 2da. Sociales.

  27. 2) If I touch something, I have to wash my hands. don't sneeze next to me, watch where those drops fall. I even want to disinfect my latex gloves.

    3) a-Lavar- wash,
    b-guantes- gloves
    c-estornudar- sneeze
    d-manos- hansd
    e-tocar = touch
    Wash your hands all the time
    Don't sneeze into someone's face
    Wear gloves and a mask.
    Cover yourself by sneezing
    - Don't touch your face
    - Wear gloves
    - call if you have symptoms
    -Clean and disinfect.
    4) In my opinion, it is fantastic
    5)No, I can't

    Sosa ayelen 5° 2da Sociales

  28. 2-
    a)- If I touch c)- something
    b)- I have to wash my d)- hands
    c)- Don´t b)- sneeze next to me
    d)- I need latex a)- gloves.
    b- guantes=gloves
    c- estornudar=sneeze
    d- manos=hands
    e- tocar=touch
    4)I think, It is original.
    5) No, I don't think I can.
    Amaya Miqueas 5to.

  29. 2:
    if I touch something I must wash my hands
    sneeze next to the elbow
    I need latex gloves

    Wash: Wash my hands after touching silver
    Gloves: I can wear gloves for when I travel by bus
    Sneeze: I should sneeze into my elbow
    Touch: Wash my hands after touching something

    My opinion about the song is that it is good since it is another way of teaching the methods that we must do today
    No,i can't
    Mieres Melina 2°5

  30. Abril Romero de 1°3°December 14, 2020 at 5:51 PM

    2- if I touch something I have to wash my hands, do not study, I need latex gloves
    3- lavar:wash
    Examples: I have to wash my hands, not be by my side
    4- in my opinion it's fantastic
    5- I don't think

  31. If I touch something I have to wash my hands.
    I have to cough into the crook of my elbow.
    I have to wear side gloves.

    Wash your hands all the time
    Don't sneeze into someone's face
    Wear gloves and chinstrap.

    I like the video

    I do not think so

    Nicolas Barrientos de 2°4

  32. 2)If I touch something I have to wash my hands Don't
    sneeze next to me, look where those drops land I
    even want to disinfect my latex gloves.
    3) Lavar wash
    guantes: gloves
    estornudar: sneeze
    manos: hands
    tocar: play
    4) I like it!
    Florencia Escobar 2°5

  33. 2)If I touch something I have to wash my hands Don't
    sneeze next to me, look where those drops land I
    even want to disinfect my latex gloves.
    3) Lavar wash
    guantes: gloves
    estornudar: sneeze
    manos: hands
    tocar: play
    4) I like it!
    Florencia Escobar 2°5

  34. 2)
    If I touch something
    I have to wash my hands
    Don't sneeze next to me
    I need latex gloves

    a-lavar: wash
    You got to wash your clothes

    b- guantes: gloves
    I forgot my gloves

    c- estornudar: sneeze
    In spring i can't stop sneezeing

    d- manos: hands
    I have it in my hands

    e- tocar: touch
    Do not touch your face

    4) In my opinion, it is fantastic.

    5) Maybe.

    Enzo Arena
    5° 2°
