All the material and information included in this blog is for academic and educational purposes only.
Notice: If the author/s of said material request/s its removal it will be done immediately.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Starting your own business- Entrepreneurs- 2018

4º1 Administración

Write information about your company

Name- Nª of employees- Place of origin- Mission- Vision- Objectives- Initial Investment- Future plans- Customers- Clients (wholesalers- retailers) - product- Marketing campaign-

Stories- (2018)

The two wolves (1º4)    Frankestein (2º4 , 2º1, 2º5 )      The black cat (2º4,  2º1,

1º year
What do you remember about "The two wolves"?

2º year

What do you remember about Frankestein?
What do you remember about "The black cat"?

2º 5)

THE TWO WOLVES | A Motivational Video On The Human Experience | Which Wo...

1- Watch the video
2- Write down words related to the good wolf. Include the ones in the video and more.
3- Write down words related to the bad wolf. Include the ones in the video and more.
4- What´s your opinion about this story?

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mon Voki en FLE

Creamos un avatar para practicar la descripción con alumnos de 2do 2°. 

Je m'appelle Ingrid. J'ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux bleu ciel. Je porte une chemise noire et des lunettes. J'adore la musique.

Camila Sandsay, 2°2°.

Je m'appelle Julie. J'ai les yeux bleu ciel. J'ai les cheveux longs et bruns. Je porte des lunettes et un tee-shirt rouge. J'adore les cheveux longs.

Sofía Maylén Martínez, 2°2°.

Axel Báez, 2°2°


       A-  Associe le vocabulaire de cette fête aux images:
la chauve-souris
la sorcière
 le magicien féminin : la magicienne
 le cercueil
 le fantôme
 le monstre
 le vampire
 la momie
 le diable
 le loup-garou (les loups-garous)

B- Compréhension Écrite

La fête d’Halloween

En France, les écoliers sont en vacances pour une semaine entre fin octobre et début novembre. Ce sont les vacances de la Toussaint. La Toussaint est une fête religieuse où l’on commémore tous les saints. Le jour suivant est consacré à tous les morts.
Mais fin octobre, c’est également la fête d’Halloween. Cette fête vient des États-Unis et du Canada. Depuis quelques années, certaines personnes la fêtent en France. Ce sont surtout les enfants qui l’apprécient.
En effet, les enfants non seulement  se déguisent mais ils aussi cherchent des bonbons chez les voisins. Les déguisements de sorcière et de magicien restent appréciés. Mais les fantômes, les monstres et les momies sortent par bandes.  Il y a même des costumes de diable. Toutes ensemble, ces silhouettes terrifiantes marchent dans les rues et sonnent aux portes. Aux voisins qui ouvrent leur porte, des voix enfantines lancent, très sérieuses : « Farce ou friandises ! » Les petits monstres reçoivent alors des bonbons ou des pièces.

Vrai, faux ou cela n’est pas dit. Justifie si c’est faux.
  1.     En France, les écoliers sont en vacances pour une semaine entre fin novembre et début décembre.
o    vrai
o    faux
   2.     La Toussaint est une fête religieuse.
o    vrai
o    faux
  3.     La fête d’Halloween vient du Mexique.
o    vrai
o    faux
  4.     Les enfants aiment se déguiser en sorcières, en magiciens, en fantômes, en monstres et en momies.
o    vrai
o    faux
  5.     Les voisins donnent des bonbons ou des fruits aux enfants.
o    vrai
o    faux
   6.     Dans les films d’Halloween, il y a des loups-garous, des momies, des zombies ou des vampires.
o    vrai
o    faux

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pour Halloween, nous créons des cartes d'invitation en FLE

Creamos tarjetas de invitación para Halloween
1ère année (1°2°)

Lourdes Sosa, 1°2°
Tatiana Gomez et Camila Cervantes, 1°2°

Yanina Mareco, 1°2°

Santiago Ríos, 1°2°

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Starting your own business

!- Check these links and prepare your presentation.

2- Use the following expressions 

3) Organize your presentation taking into account the following points:
Name of the company
Nº of employees
Mission- Vision- Values
Future plans
Advertising and marketing strategies
Consumers-customers- clients (target)
Logo- Social networks


1- Check these links and make a presentation.

2-Remember to use the following expressions:

3) Imagine you are talking with somebody who has never visited the region you are going to talk about. Write a dialogue.

Monday, October 22, 2018

What a wonderful world!

Video 1

                                                                                       Video 2

Watch  video 1 and 2 and answer these questions, please.

1- How many animals can you see?
2- Are there any flowers or plants? What color are they?
3- Are there any people in the video? How many?

4- What´s your favorite video 1 or 2?

5-What do you think of these videos?
a- In my opinion, video 1 is fantastic
b- In my opinion, video 1 is horrible
c- In my opinion, video 1 is beautiful
d- In my opinion, video 1 is not very interesting.
e- I think, video 2 is wonderful
f- I think video 2 is amazing
g- I think video 2 is not very good
h- I think video 2 is better than video 1.

6- Match these lists
1- green               a-world
2- white               b- cry
3- red                   c- hands
4- flowers            d- clouds
5- babies              e- roses
6- think                 f- bloom
7- colors                g- trees
8- wonderful          h- to myself
9- shake                  i- rainbow
10- blue                  j- sky

7-Write a short poem using the words above.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Maia Moore- 2018 Let´s read and ask questions!

Language Assistant Profile: Maia Moore

¡Hola a todxs! My name is Maia Moore. I was born and raised in New York City. I am an only child and have a mom and dad who are very supportive, loving people! I have always been passionate about working with people, language, and learning. In 2016 I graduated from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts with my Bachelors in Psychology and Spanish. A year later I received my Master of Arts in Teaching, certified in Sheltered English Immersion. I spent 2016-2017 student teaching 3rd grade and loved it! Working with so many children from different places and languages was my favorite part. Since then I have been volunteering in an elementary school in NYC and tutoring children in Spanish. In the past I helped young people learn about the complicated U.S. college application process. During college I volunteered as a Peer Adviser, welcoming new students to our University and helping them adjust to college life. I got to help international students better understand American culture. I also worked as a Teacher’s Assistant, leading class discussions in Spanish to various levels. During the summers I work at a psychiatric hospital in the pediatric outpatient unit. It was there that I learned more about mental health and therapy. Through my Master’s program I was able to integrate some of these values, such as openness, emotional regulation, and selfreflection, into my teaching. Some things I like to do for fun… Dance! I was my university’s ballroom dance team president, and wrote my senior thesis about the relationship between the tango and therapy! I also love musical theatre. Nail art is another hobby of mine, as is snowboarding in the winter! I also enjoy

Sunday, September 23, 2018

New York City

Visit this site and get as much information as possible about New York City!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Let´s analyze these situations!

Let´s read these cases .please. 

John Humphiries aged 62, is a lorry driver who is proud of being well-dressed for work.  However, his employer told him that he must not come to work in a collar and tie to drive his lorry.  If he did so, he faced the sack .  When working, Mr Humphries, an ex-Royal Airforce man, wore dark blue trousers, a light blue shirt, and a red and grey striped tie. He felt he looked smart and impressed the customers. " If you present yourself properly, you look good and get respect." , he said.  Mr Humphries´employers were not impressed when he refused to give up his collar and tie. They wanted him to conform to the company´s new image of casual clothing such as T- shirts or sweat shirts.  They even threatened to dismiss him if he did not accept their new dress code.  Union officials advised him to accept the change and follow the company´s policy . He agreed.

 Yoshiaki Nishiura, a 25 year-old lorry driver from western Japan, was sacked because he dyed his hair brown.  (This is a popular fashion with a growing number of young Japanese).  Although he apologized  and dyed  it black again, he was still fired. His employer, Mr Yamago, believed that behaviour like Mr Nishiura´s undermined company discipline and corrupted morale.  He blamed it on American influence.  " We need drivers to maintain a professional appearance to make a good impression," he said. A Japanese journalist said, " Japanese firms expect all employees to look the same and think the same.  When you join a company, you sign away  your human rights."
Mr Nishiura is going to sue his employer for unfair dismissal

1- Design a chart and compare the info. please
2- Think of different exercises. For example: True or Talse, Multiple Choice, Match lists.
3- Interview the employees and employers.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The black cat by Edgar Allan Poe

1-Choose 2 sentencess to describe the narrator’s personality.
2-Choose 2 sentences to describe the narrator’s actions.
3- Choose 2 sentences to describe the narratorr’s thoughts.
4- Choose 2 sentences to describe the narrator’ s relationship with other characters in the story.

Choose one of these exercises and write three examples, please.

A) True or False
B) Multiple choice
C) Ask questions
D) Match these lists
E) Story line
F) Giving your opinion.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Vacations / Holidays

1-What did the boy do? What did the girl do? Choose 6 actions  /Fíjense que las acciones están en pasado. Tienen que cambiar la persona. Si dice I arrived at.....tienen que poner He arrived at....o She arrived at........Traten de recordar estas acciones en el pasado)

2-What about your ideal vacation?

3-Ask these people as many questions as possible. (Where?  What?  When? Why?)

 (Cuando hacemos preguntas en inglés , necesitamos un auxiliar. Si querés saber sobre acciones habituales tenés que usar DO o DOES (he, she, it) para hacer preguntas.
Si querés preguntar sobre acciones pasadas vas a tener que usar DID y el verbo va a estar en infinitivo. En la afirmación es el único momento en que vas a usar el verbo en pasado y si querés preguntar sobre acciones futuras vas a tener que usar WILL.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Earth day!

What´s her name?
What´s her job?
What´s she talking about?
How many animals can you see? Can you write down their names, please?
When is Earth Day celebrated?
What does Dr Goodall say at the end of the video? Do you agree?
What´s your opinion about her comment?

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Bruno Mars - Count On Me (Official Video)

Watch these videos and answer these questions.
Video 1
1- Where are the kids?
2- Are they friends or siblings?
3- What are they doing?  
4- Are they happy?
5- Have you got many friends?  Do you have many friends?
6- Where do you go with your friends?
7- Do you help them?
8- What do you think of the song? It is realistic, pessimistic, optimistic, interesting, childish, boring, motivating, sad, happy, sweet?

Video 2
Describe the video.
How many animals can you see?
What´s your favorite image/ animal? Why?
What´s your favorite video? 1 or 2?
If you need help.....................................
If I need help.........................................

 Watch the video and answer these questions
1- Were are the kids?

Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend (Lyrics)

Listen to the song.

What is it about?

What´s the meaning of these words / expressions? Think of examples, please. 
broken heart- split second- breath of relief- walk on moonlight- pull somebody close- wake up in tears- love- lose- hold- take somebody for granted- run ouf of time- in the blink of an eye- the truth is.......

Imagine the following:

What´s her name?

What´s his name?

Where did they meet?

How long have they been together?

Are they optimistic, pessimistic, realistic?

Can dreams come true?

Do you like this song?

La La Land Ending Scene

Watch the video. Answer these questions

Who are these people?
What´s her job?
What´s his job?
What´s the relationship between them?
Are they happy?
What do you think happened?

City of stars

Listen to this song!

City of stars

Are you shining just for me?
City of stars

There's so much that I can't see

Who knows?

Is this the start of something wonderful and new?

Or one more dream that I cannot make true?

City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

A rush
A glance
A touch
A dance

A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling

A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright

I don't care if I know
Just where I will go

'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart

Think I want it to stay

City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you

That now our dreams
They've finally come true

1-Ask Mía and Sebastian some questions.
Are you.......?
Is he...........?     Is she..........?
What´s your favorite.......?
Can you.....................?
Have you got...........?       Do you have.................?
Do you like..................?  Does he like...............?   Does she like..................?
Did you ......................?   Did he.........................?   Did she...........................?
Will you.......................?   Will he....................... ?  Will she..........................?
2- Do you like this song?

Giving opinions

Choose a situation and give your opinion

What do you think?
In my opinion..............................
I think..........................................
I suppose....................................
I believe....................................

                                                                             Situation 1

                                                                         Situation 2

Situation 3

                                                                  Situation  4

                                                                       Situation 5

                                                                       Situation 6